Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What would be a something to major in college if I'm interested in health and fitness!?

Elbert Donatelli: physical therapy or nutrition

Cole Desher: Ok...I'll expand my answer sorry about that. Kinesiology is the major for physical education or sports training. This would be something to consider if you wanted to be a personal trainer. If you like eating healthy and working out, you might consider becoming a nutritionist or a dietician. The major for this would be Nutrition or Dietetics major. You would want to receive a four year degree in these majors since you would probably also be doing internships or clinicals. In terms of colleges in Nebraska, I can't really help you with that, but most state schools have Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Physical Therapy majors. Good luck and I hope this helps a little more....Show more

Tosha Tawney: Fitness trainers, or those who help people improve their overall fitness, would be a great career choice. You could also look into becoming an athletic trainer, which is someone who works with clients and athletes ! to not only improve their fitness, but to prevent and treat injuries. You might also considering becoming a dietitian, a chiropractor, or a physical therapist.

Caryl Mclaen: dietetics

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