Saturday, August 22, 2020

Is landscape fabric safe for vegetables?

Dana Russian: The fuss is more than just about plastics that don t degrade. Most landscape fabrics are not suitable for vegetable gardening because of the chemicals it contains. You must use a landscape fabric especially made for VEGETABLE gardening. Otherwise, you are simply injection harmful carcinogens into your fresh vegetables!

Germaine Tieken: you have the perfect plan. The point of landscape fabric is that the rain and air can still get through.So the roots will be happy enough and the tree will still get what it needs. You will find eventually ( in years) that the roots will push up into the by then rotted down and inviting mulch but I am talking years. good luck

Cody Shimko: yes, however it did not seem to keep the weeds out of my garden this year

Freeman Rutkin: Sean, I've worked with the ground a lot - planting, weeding, and generally playing in the dirt. My experience is twofold: - plastic fabric doesn't degrade over time, you can still ! find it ten years after you've put in in the ground. However, - seeds from weeds are going to be blown by the wind or contained in bird droppings, and will grow in the topsoil you put over the fabric anyway. Save the $$ for the fabric - you'll just need to spend some time weeding on a regular basis. Enjoy!...Show more

Misty Vagle: Your best bet is to lay the fabric on top of the soil and use lawn staples to keep it down, just make the holes large enough for the plant to grow in, you will still have a minimum of weeding to do no matter what. A raised bed is the best way to grow veggies, just leave enough room between each plant so you can get around each one comfortabley for maintenance etc

Freeman Rutkin: IT's fine, I use it myself.There made of plastics, plastics don't degrade, thats what all the fuss is about.

Rayford Speziale: If you put the fabric under the bed you prevent the roots from your veggies from growing more then 8". They need to get down! below that.

Jose Bouliouris: You should use it to help ! eliminate weeds. You can get ones that are made from corn now, believe it or not. It's still black and looks like regular landscape fabric but it's organic. It's at Home Depot right next to the other stuff. Cost is about the same. It's what I use...

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