Sunday, August 9, 2020

GUYS: have you ever teased a girl because of her period?

Tyrone Disanti: no way thats messed up. Ive teased my friend jokingly with a lot of things, but never that ( shes a girl )and its for the same resone as Jline

Pam Rampadarat: That would not be nice and the answer is no, I havent.

Walter Scordino: Never in a million years. That's part of a womans life and if you wanna tease her, you are either mentally retarded or immature. It is because of that, you are alive today. If you still wanna tease her, I only have 2 words for you "grow up". Hope I didn't hurt anyoneCheers

Fermin Tara: Never. Its a part of a woman's natural body function.

Kris Otuafi: sorry for asking this in men's health...

Randall Twehous: except a woman lives and sleeps mutually there is not any way that any guy could understand that a woman is on her era except she tells the entire city the place she lives so no no you will ever tease a woman because of the fact of her era and no I easily have in no way teased any lady or ever c! ould the two.

Nikita Schroepfer: Not exactly, but kind of. One of my best friends is a girl (but shes not my girl friend, just a friend) and well, long story short, I ended up having to go on a tampon run for her and it was horrible! The aisle was so long and there were so many choices, I didn't know what to choose and it was embarassing trying to figure it I gave her crap for making me go for like the next six months. I don't think I would ever tease a girl for having a period or anything because it would be rude since she can't control it and everyone gets one, plus it would probably embarass her, but if she brings me into the situation by making me buy tampons or whatever, I would and did give her crap for it. Really though, I was glad to help her out....Show more

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