Tuesday, July 7, 2020

GS: Do you enjoy cooking?

Leann Villalta: I love to cook. Grilling, baking, frying, all of it. Making parmesan-garlic monkey bread today. Minestrone is my favorite soup. *high five!*

Derrick Kloke: It is true,many woman have wanted a child but never had a child. I don't think its that uncommon.Some woman remain celibate their whole life.

Alvaro Oare: The same as everyone else. Many farms have gone to the wall and their occupants, often for generations, have been forced to become wage slaves.Is that a leg-up?Apart from that, men stopped chaining them to the plough in harness with their aging mothers, so as to plough the fields without using up non-renewable resources. You can get a new wife and mother-in-law easier these days than you can a tank of petrol or diesel!...Show more

Ira Porietis: Yeah. I don't get why people complain about it. I love cooking for myself and my family, I cook a lot for my parents and sister, sometimes my brother too.

Oren Eskelsen: No, I hate coo! king....I feel asleep while I was cooking last night....I woke up to the smell

Miguel Koczela:

Jarrod Darnall: As a single guy, I have to cook my own food and I do enjoy doing it.

Randolph Lozoya: No, not EVERY woman wants a child, but most do at some point. Maybe not right away, but they will come to a time where they do. It usually happens when they're feeling old, and realize that they might not have the option much longer. Being able to have a baby and choosing not to is much different than not being physically incapable of having one. It kind of puts things in perspective. But then again, some women just never have the desire.

Lashawnda Anteby: When a woman ticks closer to menopause it is very common for women to realize that they don't have much of a chance left to create something so intimate.... it comes over as a fear, or worry, and gives them a sense of urgency. You might never want a child, but you also might end up wanting one. I do, how! -ever, think it is sad that your husband wants one but you don! 't. I have seen marriages like this so often and it seems like they never work out. He joined a marriage expecting to have a family, you didn't. I swear that when I was a counselor 90% of the time these marriages didn't last because children is such a big deal. I hope you work out.

Leisa Brodnex: yes I love cooking

Hilton Paiva: I like cooking on days off. But when I have to work I just don't have time

Shawn Lelis: Yes, I enjoy cooking and baking.I would go as far as to describe it as a hobby because I enjoy it so much and I am always trying and inventing new recipies.

Maynard Phoubandith: I don't want a child but my husband does and he says I will end up wanting one one day. He says its a fact that every women want a baby at some point in there life. Is this true?I am not talking about people under 20 years of age.I understand that once you birth a child there is a natural motherly instinct that takes over you and you fall in love with your baby bu! t before that do you have a need to be a mother.I really have my mind set, as of now that in my state of mind, I wouldn't want a child and I fear when my husband says one day I will want one he will be waiting for that day and if that day never comes I will be devistated....Show more

Ervin Overbee: I enjoy making pancakes :)

Donald Caravalho: ya every woman want to hv her baby...buh still there are 2-3% womans who dnt want baby

Romeo Tinnea: No because I only know how to make a few items.

Warren Kotter: The I need to get this done for my family role.........To the hey, I am better than a male role.......To who the F are you role..........Too, what the hell is going on with my life role.......

Hunter Beech: No

Georgina Natal: I stumbled across this post on a blog and I still can't believe the audacity of this guy.http://www.threewaystotakeit.com/baby-tired/Are there more men out there that believe even if a woman is tired or isn't in the m! ood for sex that she should fake it?...Show more

Guy Bonamico: I ! could be wrong, but I have a sneaking suspicious that you're just trying to get us to do your history homework.

Iris Shawcroft: Usually, yes.

Randa Hessell: Taylor:I need HELP on an assignment. Unless you want to write an entire paper on the subject, nobody's doing it FOR me. I just need some major issues to do further research on because I don't know where to start. But you made me laugh.

Frank Gazaway: No. Some women do not want children and do not change their minds.I think it is very sad though that you do not want one, considering that your husband does. This is a very unhappy situation. He will continue to desire one, and he will be miserable. I think it is very unfortunate. It is a pity you got married. I think you would both better off with someone else.

Virgilio Echter: Yeah, I love to cook, but I hate it when I'm only cooking for myself. I always cook huge meals. When it's just for me I usually order take-out.

Sylvie Snetting: I! 've met quite a few and am friends with a couple, so I know they're out there. This guy may just be joking. Never dated any though.Listen to these boys complain. My issue is reversed, once they got a commitment out of me and got access to my stuff.. never wanted to have sex anymore. That last one didn't have any problem taking my cash from my wallet and borrowing my car to buy themselves dinner, without my knowledge or consent and without anything for me, aside from his throwing a hissy fit when I asked him about the appropriateness of his behaviour..so.. I can see how that kind of makes that whole no sex part really annoying. You know....Show more

Bud Espenshade: I do. Family Circle magazine has some pretty terrific recipes that are good to experiment with.

Lillie Yarde: I'm childfree, but I got a case of baby rabies back in my mid-20's. I got a kitty, and the baby rabies went away for a couple of years. Then I got baby rabies again, so I got my kitty a ! little brother. Haven't had baby rabies since! I think that you and you! r hubby need to have a serious discussion and see if there's any hope for your marriage. You may want to consider counseling. This is too serious an issue to "agree to disagree" about....Show more

Gladys Worthing: Not necessarily. My husband and I don't want children, and we're both over 40 now so it's doubtful we'll change our minds.I know many women who say they regret having children. None of my friends regret not having them.

Jon Bergmeier: Women are made to be nurturing mothers, you're supposed to have babies! You're going to want a child one day trust meeeee!! (: I want one right now and I'm only 16!!! They're so much fun! :DD I love playing with babies and babysitting them all the time!

Derrick Smsith: I don't think all women want children. You should take a look at the Childfree community on Live Journal. Those women have taken permanent measures to make sure they never have children.

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