Friday, June 19, 2020

Argumentative Essay on entertainment's ability to ruin society?

Jayson Brod: bad: prevent us from face to face communicationallows children and teens access to things that shouldn't be. (adult films of the such, drug information)it becomes addictivewhen you multitask while eating, you overeat making you fat.good: easy way to see whats going onaccess to news, and other good info, like how to not get fat....Show more

Sammy Hatzenbihler: Some ideas: Many people have become unaware or uninterested in civic affairs, political improvements, helping others in need, etc because they've become sedated by television, movies, video games, amusement parks, etc.To find evidence of this, do an informal street survey, stopping passersby to ask them brief questions about politics or current events. For example, briefly state who you are and what you're doing, and ask a question such as:Name a senator.Name a political party other than democrat or republican.What is the capitol of Maine?It would be fun coming up with societally-important question! s (and in so doing, you could determine what issues are socially important).After they answer a question right or wrong, ask them what they do in their free time. Jot it down.How many people spend their free time feeding the hungry or being active in politics vs engaging in some form of entertainment? On a large scale, the way people spend their free time really can have a huge impact on society.Then again, I just saw the other side of the argument: Some people's primary vocations are societally-significant, and everyone needs to unwind at some point. So what harm is a little entertainment after a person has put in a good day of useful work.Back on the other hand, some people have lost balance and have become seduced and addicted to entertainment, such as children who are indulged with TV and video games, may find school and studies unappealing and would rather be entertained. Habits of our youth can have a toll on how well they do in their studies, what they're most intere! sted in, and the kind of adults they'll become. Do we want kid! s immersed in pop culture and video games running the world as adults, or do we want civically-involved, politically informed people to run the world?As it is now, I see pop culture and entertainment sedating the masses, with only a handful of the population in meaningful leadership roles....Show more

Dorinda Metzer: doesnt it helps us communicate with our friends and it helps not keep us boredNegitive...It does because people always rely on it Hope i have helpedxx...Show more

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