Monday, May 18, 2020

Home school or public?

Aldo Decurtis: I'd recommend asking in some of the other education sections on Y!A. This section is overwhelmingly pro-homeschool, so you're not likely to get an objective answer.

Everette Rovinsky: Dont go to school for your friends. They wont lead you to a good job go to school because you are willing to learn yeah spend time with them but don't ever go to school just because you want to keep up to latest gossip. Home school isn't as good as public school you have a better chance of going to college if you in public or even a private school it's also good for communication. I'm 17 and now i see why we are looked down upon by the last generation. remember school first friends later....Show more

Lashawn Zabarkes: I was homeschooled 8th grade year. It was good because it was alot easier. I went to school once a week and turned in my homework. For me I'm not going to ever do it again. I was home all the time and never saw my friends due to them busy with homewor! k and school and sports. It just got old way too fast. I did Finnish school a week early but that was the only advantage for me. I had to read all the books and teach myself how to do all the work. In my opinion I don't like homeschooling and wouldn't do it again....Show more

Agustina Stimmel: I was home schooled from kindergarten until I entered my first college classroom, and I must say that I highly preferred it. I was able to work at my own pace; I could slow down on a subject if it was giving me trouble or speed up if I felt like I had a solid comprehension of the subject. I feel like this freedom can seriously add to the student's happiness while schooling. There are a few myths concerning the social experiences of a home schooled student, and, quite frankly, it is up to the student and family to falsify said myths. If a parent decides to shelter their student as well as homeschooling them, then the student ends up being somewhat socially awkward. However, if th! e parent encourages their child to be involved in sports, chur! ch, etc., these "social issues" are almost always avoided. I believe that being home educated is one of the best advantages I have been given. I learned discipline, and I was able to avoid all of the drama and annoyances that usually accompany a public education. I hope this is helpful!...Show more

Danica Timperman: Public. Let's you be social.

Troy Staton: Public school hands down.*more social opportunities*more teachers, who are specifically there to help you and they know much more about their subject than your parents can*more sports/activities opportunities*more scholarship/achievement opportunities*you get a diploma that will be accepted anywhere*more class'd be hard to find classes like metalwork, FFA, ROTC, debate, auto, Japanese, sign language, etc. in the homeschooling community*you get to be part of a big graduation!...Show more

Vernon Martorana: Public schools are more convenient for you scholastically. You will be able to study wi! th your classmates, study groups, etc. It is also important to interact with your educators and your peers. I would do some research, honestly I would not recommend home schooling to anybody. Life has more to offer than to staying inside the house hold. If you know what I mean.

Burt Stoecklin: it really depends on how homeschooling is conducted, and your friends. i was homeschooled, but was engaged in lots of activities so i had different friends for different days of the week, but consistent over many years.

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