Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mine craft acheviment "on a rail" and "leader of the pack" question I. Details?

Leann Villalta: for On a Rail, yes I believe each rail is 1m long so you would need 500 of them. For the other one you just need to tame 5 wolves. it doesn't have to be at once and it doesn't matter if you kill them after you tame them.

Edwina Fu: the rails in minecraft i believe are one meeter long as for befriending the volves just get some bones and then right befriend the wolves i recamend getting more bones though bacus it sometimes takes more than onebest of luck hoped this helped

Lynn Hollars: On a rail , i only have 32 rails so thats not enough and i havent gotten any achievement soo im still working on that.The leader of the pack - once you befriend 5 wolves you should get the achievement , once you get the achievement than you can do what ever you want with them.

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