Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Build A Mac From Scratch With Regular Hardware?

Kris Otuafi: you start with a bun then add the fillings

Jene Kostyla: Any details on specific hardware will help.

Toshiko Reimers: You can do this and there are many, many guides out there on google and even step-by-step youtube videos. If you google, hackintosh or OSX86 you'll see what I mean. It can be done but you will need a copy of Leopard and there are some issues involved with Apple's EULA (license) because in order to do this, OS X must be patched to run on non-Apple branded hardware which has some licensing issues. Therefore, I cant tell you how to do this but according to the guides and many many youtube videos on this subject, it can't be too hard of a process. It does work on most hardware setups but if you are starting new, then there are some specific, known configurations that work better than the rest. Once again, Google is your friend and your answers are very very close....Show more

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