Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Are there any good vegan cook books?

Victor Macallister: oh i know i said sometimes im vegan but thats not what i meant i mean since my boyfriend is vegan somedays i wont buy or eat any products that come from animals.but im not vegan and dont consider myself vegan.but im am a vegitarian oops sorry if i offend some people i guess its kinda like when ppl tell me theyre vegitarian but they wear leather boots.sorry!!

Kiersten Clayburn: I can suggest my FAVORITE vegan cooking show, called the Post Punk Kitchen; the host is really cool and every single recipe I've ever tried by her was a huge hit.http://www.theppk.comBon Appetit....Show more

Kirk Coolbeth: You can't be "sometimes" vegan ;) That's like being a "sometimes" virgin. http://www.fatfreevegan.comhttp://www.goveg.comI've heard great things about Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World (a book) and also the new Veganomicon. You can google "vegan recipes" and find a whole bunch. Also if there's a food you want a vegan version of, you can type "ve! gan" then whatever the name of the food is in a search and odds are you'll find a vegan replacement.Good luck....Show more

Kirk Coolbeth: "The Joy Of Beef" by Veally McPorkchop

Keneth Mailhot: My favorites are:Vegan with a VengeanceLa Dolce VeganHow it all veganThe Garden of Vegan...Show more

Rona Espalin: My favorite cookbook in this category is "Fresh Vegetarian Kitchen" by Merideth McCarty; it is full of vegan recipes, no eggs or dairy whatsoever and leans towards macrobiotics. I also like Maya Tiwari's "A Life of Balance," she does use ghee (clarified butter) in some of the recipes, though otherwise no animal products; this is an ayurvedic primer and very informative --has info on how to slice veggies, etc.I also have several vegan recipes on my website a turtorial for how to make vegan chocolate chip cookies here: that helps....Show more

Myesha Zerbe: The Food Revolution. Joh! n Robbins

Dorine Nurre: Vegan wit! h a Vengeance is like the vegan bible. I've heard that Isa's new cookbook Veganomicon is delicious as well. You can't go wrong with either of those.

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