Lino Cawthorne: I really do not think that is what they are looking for.
Erica Bottaro: anything to grow an authoritarian central government, right?
Lauri Ohl: This is what I've been saying for the past 3 days!;_ylt=AnJzd...
Corrina Faro: I don't think there is such a thing as a good mental health program.Our only answer to mental illness is more drugs to keep everyone toned down so that they aren't noticed by society, that's what they call "success."In the meantime more and more people are being kicked out of mental hospitals. In Los Angeles there was a bus stop where the latest busload of discharged mental patients would disembark; it was famous amongst the young people and everyone tried to avoid waiting there for a bus.The real answer is to muzzle the hate mongers on TV, the politically motivated talk show hosts who are warning the audience constantly that anyone of the opposite party is destroying America.I've! lived a pretty long life and never in my memory was there such hate-filled rhetoric on television.The greatest example is, of course, the Fox channel. I'd like to be fair, but really, they are the ones who contribute most to fueling the fantasies of crazies....Show more
Irving Jordahl: I hate to say it, but president bush had more economic common sense then mr. obama
Wilbert Shellgren: uumm uh huhand then what do you do with literally thousands of US troops returning home with most times undiagnosed 'mental health' problems after being forced to blow people in half, or watching their buddies being halved by people simply want them to go home!Huh?what about them?so pleasethere are people all over the world walking around with burdens they just can't deal with.Some survive. Some don'tThe guy you're talking about?On the same level as the Columbine killers. Only difference was another kind of agenda....Show more
Rodolfo Merel: Except for a few minor details.! I'm sure you've seen this list before. But facts are facts, a! nd they don't lie. Bush was the least competent Commander-in-Chief this country has ever known. He made us a laughing stock and an international pariah. He isolated the United States from the rest of the world. He caused terrorism to grow and flourish. He started the longest,most unneccesary and costliest (in terms of lives and money) war in U.S.history. Do you honestly think Obama can be compared to this. ''Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.''â"President George W. Bush, to FEMA director Michael Brown, who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his job performance, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005 "There are some who feel like that conditions are such that they can attack us there," Bush told reporters at the White House. "My answer is 'bring em on'. We have the force necessary to deal with the situation." -bring them on. He got his wish and more for 8 bloody years, so far. Bring it on! He was an embarrassment and a disaster. Repubs, can you honestly refute any of these! charges? Try to be grown up about it, instead of your usual vile and hateful name-calling. I suppose you do this because you have nothing else to say.1. Lied about WMD. 2. Unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation without provocation and justification. 3. Lied during State of the Union speech re: Niger Uranium. 4. Responsible for pre-9/11 intelligence failures in White House, CIA, FBI. 5. Allowed 9-11 murderers to remain free while diverting precious military and financial resources to his vanity war in Iraq. 6. Lied about Saddam/bin Laden connection. 7. Turned Iraq into a terrorist breeding ground. 8. Lied about nation-building. 9. Opposed creation of 9-11 Commission and Homeland Security Department. 10. Disrespected and alienated the U.S. from French, German and other key allies. 11. Lied to Americans about the real cost of war. 12. Fostered an environment of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. 13. Lined Halliburton's pockets in Afghanistan and Iraq with fat no-bid contr! acts. 14. Under-manned and under-equipped our armed forces in Iraq, res! ulting in unnecessary death and injuries. 15. Ignored the nuclear build-up in both Iran and N.Korea; marginalized Kim Jong Il. 16. Shunned Kyoto Treaty. 17. Lied about effects of man-made pollutants on the environment to support corporate pals. 18. Lied about the insolvency of Social Security. 19. Gave huge cuts to the wealthiest taxpayers. 20. Lied about true cost of health care bill. 21. Lied about Free Trade stand. 22. Bitterly divided the nation along religious, party and sexual preference lines. 23. Guilty of numerous cronyism appointments (Homeland Security, Supreme Court, etc) 24. Rewarded failures of Condi Rice and other cronies with key promotions. 25. Dreadful energy policies lead to record gas and oil prices. 26. Responsible for the largest debt in U.S. history. 27. Colossal failure of preparedness, rescue and relief during Hurricane Katrina. 28. Fostered a culture of corruption among GOP and top leadership (Tom Delay, etc). 29. Allowed Donald Rumsfeld to keep jo! b despite utter failure in Iraq. 30. Presided over the U.S.'s lowest popularity throughout the world. 31. Saw No Child Left Behind fail. 32. Lied last week about Iraqi troop strength during Saturday radio address.Read more: more
Mario Stricklan: If the government is supposedly monitoring all internet, phone, and email communications then how come MILLIONS get away with downloading music for free illegally? Something tells me that the bark is louder than the bite. I betcha that downloading music illegally is hurting the economy. Therefore people that download music illegally must be terrorists!!...Show more
Davina David: Except 5 time the deficit spending
Cletus Crotts: Why would you say that? This guy never tried to get any help nor did anyone tell authorities that he needed it although plenty of people saw him as a potential serial killer and he was kicked out of college because he scared the cr! ap out of everyone. The other night Bill Maher came across like a total! moron when he said "This is what happens when Government is too small". Is Big Government supposed to keep close tabs on every one of us and "re-educate" us if we exhibit the wrong behaviors?...Show more
Caroyln Ebach: When I was in high school (decades ago), they would identify people who were "at risk" of having a psychotic break, and push them right into psychiatric evaluations since schizophrenics have their first psychotic break often from age 16-21.But, I can't imagine the progressives have allowed public schools to step in like this anymore. They think these people are "unique", "interesting", marching to another "drummer", and should not be "ostracized" or "labelled" and so, I imagine thousands of these kids are falling through the cracks and nobody gives a crap until AFTER they go off. And look at this guy's parents. Kicked out of school. Threatens people. Behaves bizarre. They knew very well, he was sick and DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. The real criminals he! re are the shooter and his parents, and the school he attended, and the local police that "let him go time and time again" without ever getting mental health officials involved.Money won't help this problem. Progressive liberalism wouldn't allow it, if it could....Show more
Torrie Weissenbach: The spending and his ability to read a teleprompter.
Moira Woodrow: LIMEWIRE ITSELF IS NOT ILLEGAL. But let's be realistic, the majority of the people there download music and games illegally without permission from the copyright holder. That is in violation of international law.
Ronny Nowzari: yes I can agree with that . but the main part is the person has to want help.
Stanton Villao: Cite your source. Or shut up.
Tereasa Sorensen: I don't think it's as non-controversial as you think it is.Mental health programs cost a lot of money. There are people in this section who think the income tax should be eliminated.And many mentally ill people do not want p! sychological care. They are generally only able to be forced into it if! they are determined to be a danger to themselves or others.This requirement means that there will be people who are actually dangerous that will be missed by the authorities. It is possible that Loughner would not have received involuntary mental health care, even if he had been identified by state health officials.The only way to prevent crazy people from doing dangerous things is to force all of the into care. And forced medical treatment is a violation of civil liberties.I'd like to see there be more opportunity for people to receive mental health care. But many people who need it won't choose to go. Part of this is the stigma involved; it's socially acceptable to go to the doctor because you have cancer, but it's not socially acceptable to go to the doctor because you have schizophrenia, even though being afflicted with either disease is outside of your control.If we could eliminate the monetary and social barriers to mental health treatment, perhaps we will begin seei! ng less of these events....Show more
Jacques Teri: rush is an obese blowhard who will die of a heart attack if he doesn't change his life. fox news is a wing of the republican party. you can't reason with anyone who believes in either of those two sources.
Ollie Desalvo: Absolutely,The ironic part is that Arizona has some of the easiest laws in place for getting judge appointed mental help. All one has to do in Arizona is file a complaint with the state and voice a concern that the person in questions needs mental help. The police are then required by AZ law to investigate. In most other states, this cannot happen. A person must show signs of suicidal thoughts or other extreme mental anguish for a court appointed visit. And then, it can only be done by family members. In AZ, anyone can call out anyone for mental health.The community college that Loughner went to dismissed him and had multiple meetings with his parents to voice concern about his mental health! , and also would not let him re-enroll in classes unless he got an "all! clear" from a mental health expert.It is unclear what the parents did in response to this.Andy, I think that there are already programs in place for diagnosing mental health. I think that people just have to be more aware of the mental health of others, and have the wherewithal to do the right thing when they know someone in need of some mental health help....Show more
Leora Klingelhoets: bush did not reform the entire health care system.
Maritza Ebanks: yes definately and better checking on gun sales
Catheryn Barringer: Patraeus is in Obamas pockets and he will report whatever Obama says for him to report. The media does not want to place attention on this because they don't want Obama to look bad... the only media that has really tried to get to the bottom of this is Fox news. I wouldn't trust Rush however. Fox news gets discredited because they are basically the only news that tries to give an account on both sides. Every other news station just sits a! nd stays for Obama. Im sick of hearing people say that FOX news is false, because they are just reporting the news without the icing. just look at the elections. the entire media was against Romney, but they said hardly a negative comment about Obama... bias much? FOX was one of the only stations to dare to say something negative about Obama AND Romney, and not just one sided. What has journalism come to?
Carter Dewater: I don't think the government is or should be worried about folks downloading music or games. That is the least of this world's concerns.
Wally Gower: i could like to confirm each and every of the advice, VIDEO, AUDIO, EMAILS, released and then we are able to confirm the actuality. Regardless what that fact says. no longer the cherry picked tale we are starting to be. in case you cared relating to the actuality, you want that too. yet, you do no longer care relating to the actuality, you care approximately powdering Obama's as$ and putting a di! aper on him and giving him his bottle.
Elinore Schlinker: If repo! rts from Fox and Rush are of little or no consequence or value. Why bring them up ?
Adrian Sherlin: Not really. Better mental health programs would have done nothing at all to prevent this shooting.Just how would Loughner have been forced into being evaluated prior to the shooting ?
Geraldo Mccalla: ...the NAVY report, and testimony of General Patraeus.But we're supposed to believe them right?Especially since they led with the lie that "Embassy staff weren't allowed to have live bullets."
Arnoldo Budzynski: He's not. W is more charismatic.
Bibi Tyron: Actually the civil war was more costly in lives and money (compared to the value of a dollar then. Get some facts and come back and see me!
Ronny Dorge: I really don't think the government has hundreds of thousands of agents sitting in a big room listening to all the conversations happening at all times.
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