Catheryn Small: i agree with the first one but disagree with the other 2
Heidi Creselious: You are generalizing. We are not all the same.
Leisa Brodnex: honey pick yourself up, and just get angry make that hurt heart become cold. Yu never know how strong you are til being strong is all you have left. You two guys below are jerks!!! Your own rock bottom girl climb up..and remember we all start somewhere.
Darnell Cutliff: you sound bitter and aren't forced into anything. they can use their brain and think for themselves.
Coleman Ocegueda: You sound very bitter. What about what women do for men? we cook and clean and most of us also hold down a job aswell and do most of the parent duties too! Yes there are some girls out there who trap men into having kids but most with common sense would rather a man that wants them as much as we do. There's 2 sides to every story and the grass isn't greener on the womans side.
Idell Mulliniks: It p! robably depends on how it effects your relationship. How often does he watch it and why does he watch it? Some people start watching it for fun, but it can become an addiction...seriously. Sex addictions sounded crazy to me until my husband started having early signs of it. He would watch porn once in a while and I was okay with it until it sometimes became 4 nights a week and then he said he started feeling dirty and ashamed because he felt he needed it. Our sex life was not bad either, really. We had sex like 4 times a week. I would suggest making a home video together, this way, when he wants to watch porn, he is just watching the two of you!! It's hard for a women to understand how a man can get off watching another women...I also feel like it's dirty but that's because my husband went too far. Always keep the lines of communication open. Ask his why he watches it and if he feels he needs it.goodluck!
Sharie Sommerville: 1- the man can always use a condo! m2-the husband might not want sex either. It DOES go both way.! 3- the man doesn't HAVE to pay anything if he doens't want to.Don't use those excuses for you getting played...Show more
Isreal Kochheiser: he has every right to do it as long as it does not get in the way of you own relationship.... thats like telling a woman you cant shop because your husband doesn't want you too.... as if he is a trained animal...
Antonia Boomershine: Its a chapter in your life ! Time heals! After a while if you just move on and stay away from him ! you will be ok !
Flor Lizardi: Absolutely, just like a woman should not go out clubbing constantly if husband says no. Marriage is about comprimise and alot of people fail to realize that. Which is why alot of them secretly are cheating or being cheated on
James Langmyer: Not all women are how you described them. I've known plenty of men who act in a very similar fashion.*Man wants children, tells woman that not having kids is a sin.* Man says he's the boss and will have sex no matter! what.*Man refuses to work so the woman needs to pay for everything.I've had friends that dated men like this. Don't stereotype women....Show more
Donella Vasta: *I think the tables can turn, at least with my experience. My ex did not want kids but led me to believe he did, so I wasted a good chunk of my life. I have a wonderful child that I am so thankful for. Now I won't have any more children for serious health reasons. His loss, my gain. P.S. Having kids is not a crime and all children are innocent and deserving of love.*With sex, I thought my ex was gay because of him wanting everything to go HIS your statement does not apply to everyone. Stop generalizing that women are selfish, please. Most of us have suffered just like you.*I prefer to keep finances separate. I lost all of my money to my ex because I 'wore the pants' and he was the 'wife' that I took care of. F***er.*Women don't plot. Men don't plot. You've obviously been in a bad relationship that y! ou need to get over. It's hard, but you will realize that what you thin! k is not as it seems. Trust me...I know so much about this....Show more
An Trebil: My live in boyfriend left me a month ago with no job, no money, overdue bills and I had to sell my home, gave my pets away and moved to an apartment because I needed money. I truly loved this man but found out a year in to the relationship he has an substance addiction. I lost everything of worth, he sold it. Losing everything and him has been very hard on me. I am angry and want to get the last word in and he will not allow me to do so. I need to get over this and move on but I don't know how. I just want to get even for all he has done to me and I don't want to dwell on him anymore....Show more
Saran Stealy: Yes and no.....Yes, in the sense that someone should not be doing something that their spouse is unhappy with.But also, no, if the person is being asked something which is somewhat unrealistic or unreasonable.If I ask my wife not to stab me in the leg with a fork, I am! justified. If I ask her to not eat bacon anymore - because I don't like bacon - I am not justified. A woman is not unreasonable in asking her husband to stop watching porn. But the same woman needs to be truthful in why they ask it. If their asking is (and, it usually is) based on some kind of perceived threat to their marriage (i.e. I don't want him ever finding another woman attractive!!) then it's futile. Unless they can come up with a good reason, they are not going to stop him. Some battles can't be won. This is usually one of them.What if I ask my wife not to talk to her sister anymore? Or watch the evening news? Or read Stephen King books? Or go outside without me? Simply bothering someone is not a good enough reason to expect them to stop what they are doing.
Bernadette Roel: I think scheme and lying are stupid as far as game goes, and just the term is. I would think if a man is not oblivious, not a dumbass and has a charming personality and decent lo! oks, he should do fine as long as he is confident in himself, not cocky! . But I wouldn't go as far as seeing a man as a failure if he has to do that to get women, but just not necessary. And I think the word failure is quite strong, as I don't really care for getting as much women as I can, but just for that moment getting sex, not because of scoring, but just get laid, but it would be something mutual and not something that I lie to a woman about or meet one that is fine with a fling as well. Why would it be a failure, women are mount everest right? They are mortals just like men, right? In order for a person to fail, they have to be striving for an achievement, which means that thing would be above them, right? So no, I wouldn't see it as a failure, and I think technique or "game" is overused. If a man is fairly good looking, funny, intelligent, charming, charismatic, with some talent, then as I said a man being nice, confident and actually showing that he cares about what a girl is saying and listening, and just being comfortable, therefore,! creating a comfortable conversation, because he is just talking and is at ease with himself, things should go fine (confidence), but if it doesn't, no big deal. A man should be fine like this, but you can't attract every girl....Show more
Antone Youla:
Ervin Laeger: Your facts are wrong.First, I wanted more kids than my wife. did. We stopped at two and not because I wanted too.Second, why would I want to have sex with my wife if she didn't want to too. That would be pretty meaningless.My wife has her own job and makes almost as much as me and sometimes more depending on her commissions.If she wants to manipulate me into doing something by using sex, that is fine with me. I'm getting what I want aren't I....Show more
Mohamed Szollosi: So he is responsible for you being jobless? Don't blame others for your stuff ups, you were over optimistic and erred in your judgment when it came to this guy and you should take some responisbility for that.
Moise! s Rupinski: If she is willing and able to satisfy him sexually then he ! should at least be will to not watch often.Typically she just wants to control him to make herself feel better which is not loving at all and still wants sex on her terms only; only what she wants to do and only when she wants it. Nothing else makes a man feel more trapped and unappreciated.Would you wear a burka if your husband asked you to?Basically what you are wishing is that every other women did.
Robbie Starchman: He can't take them out of the state or the country without your consent. That's called 'kidnapping;, and it's a federal offense.
Ronald Moehr: Why do women plot bad things on good men?Why do good men marry bad women?To answer your question - I don't know
Mitzie Clough: spouse? yes
Jackson Esmiol: If he is her slave, and she is his master, yes he should obey her command.If it is simply husband and wife, it is a request rather than a command. Perhaps it may be in his best interest to honor her requests, but there is no law of the univer! se stating he must obey her every command.
Joey Mekeel: If his watching porn really bothers the wife, he should respect her feelings.
May Stands: And can you provide a source for your facts other than yourself and your buddies? I think you are just bitter about something, because these aren't facts, they are your reality. If they are facts, prove it.
Irma Poiter: You can't get even. You need to give yourself time and distance, and try to heal. Look up support groups in your area for people who have been hurt by others' addictions. You'll probably find that many, many people will tell the same story as yours and you can learn from ways they coped and healed over time.
Dan Seen: even the first one I will agree with you but the other two I don't believe men are brainwashed into anything. They do it because they want to.
Kris Bozelle: I'm so sorry you're in this situation, it's horrible the way relationships can leave us and how the guy can see! m so fine and apathetic meanwhile. Unfortunately there isn't really a "! get better fast" plan that would work, girls already have somewhat obsessive minds- we dwell on situations and relationships far longer than is healthy and it can totally eat us alive. It certainly isn't easy, but I think the best thing you could do is try to move on. If you start loving yourself again and striving towards a new and better situation for yourself it takes away his power completely. Set little goals for yourself and find new things to delight in. Take it day by day and eventually it wont be a chore anymore, it will all fall into place with time. Best of luck to you!...Show more
Joel Feagler: u do not want closure, u want a revenge. so find out what he likes the most and take it from him. it might require some time and planning
Rickey Vrieze: Move? No; depending on what state you live in. Here in Pa you are not allowed to take the child out of the county, never mind the state. You need consent from the parent. Now in NY it used to be that unless th! e other parent contested, you could move anywhere. I moved to Pa from Long Island, letting my son's father know I wanted to go and he did not have a problem with it. Check the laws in your state. I do believe because of the custody issues of today, most states will have something in place to protect both parents....Show more
Moises Rupinski: Not really. What's wrong with watching porn every now and then. As long as it doesn't interfere with relationships. The wife needs to calm down and realize it's something men do.
Filiberto Amauty: yep they do lie about the pill heck sometimes they even tell the man the child is his when it is not.just to get him to marry her..i have seen that happen for the with holding sex..some do that to but it can and will often backfire as he will run around and soon leave for the money..most of the time the women pays the bills with money the man gives her..mostly his check as both have access to the account.why do wo! men do that to good man..why do men treat good women badly.. because th! ey let them do it and have no back bone to stand up for them bad good women can not find good men.. and the bad women can not find bad men..why do you think there a book out called ( why men marry bitches)...Show more
Sammy Hatzenbihler: Tom Leykis called.he wants his tired bitter woman-hating pissed off never gets laid so fat he can't see his d*ck over his beer gut super-fugly gotta pay for sex with toothless gay crack manwhores rant back....Show more
Charlotte Bryar: no.I don't see anything wrong with a man or a women watching porn, if anything I find that it is normal, we are human beings.Some people say that porn can improve their sex life.Maybe your man is watching porn because he has so much built up that he has to get rid of it somehow.I do have to say one thing I don't believe it viewing any kind of porn that involves a child. That is just down right wrong and sick.
Rheba Cockman: You seem to be speaking for ALL MEN don't! I wante! d kids - have 4 and 8 grand kids. My wife and I have sex whenever either of us wants it. My wife and I each have an income and we share expenses. Why don't you put down your club, come out of your cave, and get into the 21st century.
Jacques Vaquera: if you are legally married and there is no divorce action filed, a spouse can take a child/ren anywhere they so choose - if that happens, then you file for divorce and request immediate return of the children to the home state. It may or may not be granted depending on the circumstance.
Ezekiel Kadner: It happens all the time- not for evil, just to get our way
Kaylee Schmittou: watch together, and no if it worries the wife so much then maybe not
Rayford Latz: Because men will do anything if they think they'll get the booty. It's not the woman's fault for being manipulative, it's the male's fault for being so gullible & horny.
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