Jestine Osumi: you will need to buy a new switch, take the light housing apart, and put the new switch in place of the old one. By the way, you need to classify your question better. This is the Transportation/ Maintenance and repair area. You should have gone with Home and Garden/ Maintenance and repair.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Do you have to have dairy products for strong bones and strong good joints? Or are there other foods one can have? Â
answers 0:Do you have to have dairy products for strong bones and strong good joints? Or are there other foods one can have?answers 1:Non-dairy calcium foods-1. White beans2. Bok choy3. Figs4. Kale5. kai-lan (Chinese broccoli)6. Broccoli7. Oranges8. Almonds9. Tofu10. Okra...answers 2:Dairy products contain the most useful calcium. There is calcium added to fake milks, but you need to consume a lot more of it (about a third more) to get the benefits of calcium in milk.Some high calcium veggies are also high in oxalates....which inhibit your body's ability to absorb and use the nutrients they contain. You can search the net for foods high in oxalates and avoid them.Exercise also helps build strong bones...and vitamin D. Reme! mber, though that vitamin D3 is better than D2....but D3 is not vegan.The tricky thing about calcium, IMO, is that you may not realize you're not getting enough until you start having dental problems or breaking bones. You'll know pretty soon if you're low on iron. But you can go for years without knowing your bones are not growing properly. By then it may be too late because we only grow bones for about the first 30 years of our lives. After that it's a battle to keep them strong. But if you dont get the calcium you need as a youngster.........answers 3:You need calcium.. where you get it from doesnt really matter.answers 4:No, you dont. Cows milk is meant for CALFS baby COWS not for human consumption. Cows dont take human mothers milk so, why do we take theirs???answers 5:how about good old fashion milk.... cheap , readlliy aviaible... oh wait.... sorry your a vegan...answers 6:if you are a vegan/ vegetarian some wont be suitable:sardineseggssalmonspinach fortified c! ereal e.g. Kashi U Black Currants and Walnuts, Total Whole Gra! in, and Wheatiestunacollard greensorange juicethat about all I could think of...answers 7:Although dairy has been proven over the years to be a major source of usable calcium for individuals it is not the only source available. Some vegetables have calcium although how easily the body actually absorbs this form is still being studied and, of course, there are numerous products out there that have calcium supplements added to them or you can just skip the "middle man" and take calcium supplements which are available in many stores.answers 8:You need a variety of nutrients for strong healthy bones and joints. The dairy industry may have advertised in such a way to promote the idea that it's all about calcium, and specifically that you need calcium in dairy products, but this is not the case. For healthy bones you need calcium (from plant or animal source), you also need magnesium, vitamin K, and phosphorus (available in many plant foods), and vitamin D. You can get vitamin! D from bright sunshine on your skin, or you can take a supplement. You also have to avoid over-eating protein, as excess sulphur from animal protein is thought to acidify the body, causing bone loss and osteoporosis. Also avoiding excess alcohol, caffeine, and not smoking, will aid bone health.You also need to do physical exercise, as the impact of walking, jogging, lifting etc helps your bones to strengthen.So calcium is only one factor, but since it's the one commonly quoted, I want to show there are plenty of plant sources of it. (After all, where do cows get their calcium? They only eat plants! Same for any other herbivorous animal, including huge animals like elephants or hippos or gorillas. Even carnivorous animals don't drink milk after weaning, they get their calcium from eating bones and the contents of intestines. No other animal drinks milk except their mother's milk as an infant.) So these are mostly from a Google search for "calcium content of..." and ! show milligrams of calcium per 100g of the food...Thyme (dry) 1890Dil! l (dried) 1784Sage (dry) 1652Oregano (dried) 1597Dill seed 1516Poppy seeds 1438Rosemary (dry) 1280Tarragon (dried) 1139Cinnamon 1002Sesame seeds 975Cumin 931Coriander seed 709Caraway seed 689Allspice (ground) 661Chia seeds 631Pepper (black) 443Tahini 426Thyme (fresh) 405Cardamom 383Tofu 350Carob powder 348Chili powder 330Bread (depends on type) up to about 288Mustard seed 266Almonds 264Flaxseeds 255Peppermint (fresh) 243Collard greens (raw) 232Paprika 229Amaranth (leaves) 215Dill 208Molasses 205Garlic (fresh) 181Figs (dried) 162Brazil nuts 160Amaranth (seed) (cooked?) 159Kale 150Parsley 138Turnip greens (boiled) 137Cocoa powder 128Wasabi (fresh) 128Soy milk (with added calcium) 120Soy yoghurt (with added calcium) 120Spirulina (seaweed) 120Mustard greens 115Ginger (dry, ground) 114Hazelnut 114Tempeh 111Sundried tomatoes 110Pak choi 105Pistachios 105Spinach 99Walnuts 98Olive! s 94Chives 92Peanuts 92Okra 82Sunflower seeds 78Tamarind 74Pecans 70Coriander 67Dates 64Baked beans (tinned in tomato sauce) 61Leek (fresh) 59Miso 57Chocolate (Dark) 56Oats (dry) 54Raisins 50Broccoli 47Peanut butter 43Peas 43Brussels Sprouts 42Celery 40Oranges 40Figs (fresh) 35Kidney beans (cooked) 35Kiwifruit 34Carrot (fresh) 33Wheat flour wholegrain 33Tomatoes (canned) 31Mung beans (cooked) 27Onions 23Lentils (cooked) 19(there are other foods with useful amounts of calcium but that's enough for one list)Compare these to some dairy foods: Cow's Milk 125Yoghurt 110Cream (whipping) 101Cottage cheese 91Eggs (raw) 56Butter 24Of course you don't want to eat 100g of dried herbs or spices at one sitting, but it's good to know that even a teaspoonful or so added to food gives a decent nutritional boost....answers 9:DEFINITELY NOT!!! Cows milk contains casein which strips calcium from bones. Many studies (look ! at ones by Dr T. Colin Campbell) found links to osteoporosis and dairy ! products. Other foods that contain plenty of calcium (and no casein) are dark green leafy veggies such as kale, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, etc and non-dairy milks.answers 10:You can drink.alternative milks such as coconut,almond,hemp and oat milk
Monday, August 24, 2020
How to start out a garden?...?
Chris Coggins: Start small. Try herb gardening first. I have some guides on my website,
Cómo hacer un texto vacÃo en Paint
Pegue el texto vacÃo sobre el diseño.
Elige «color 1» como blanco y escribe algo. Asegúrese de que el «color 2» también sea blanco.
Seleccione el texto con SELECCIÃ"N TRANSPARENTE. Copiarlo. El texto vacÃo se creará cuando lo pegue en otra imagen.
Hacer un diseño (cualquier diseño).
Abra MS Paint y rellene el fondo con negro utilizando la herramienta de relleno.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Cómo jugar al dios de la guerra
Conozca sus movimientos. Los combos te dan experiencia pero te hacen vulnerable a los ataques de enemigos ignorados. A menudo puedes acabar matando a un enemigo, pero el otro puede atacarte.
Aprende a bloquear. Dios de la Guerra tiene uno de los bloques más rápidos e intuitivos. Practica duro para usarlo sabiamente ya que es la clave para conquistar el juego. Mantenga su dedo izquierdo en el botón L1 en todo momento y practique estar en un bloque en todo momento.
Nunca inicies combos cuando varios enemigos estén a la vista. Más bien, defiende y «agarra» a los enemigos en los momentos correctos.
Aprende a usar la magia sabiamente. No todos los tipos de drenaje mágico tienen el mismo ritmo. Las poderosas herramientas mágicas se agotan más rápido, por lo que tendrás que seleccionar tu magia en función de la situación en l! a que te encuentres.
Siempre vaya primero por los enemigos novatos. Los más elaborados se pueden matar después de haber limpiado un poco la pantalla!
Saber que tus enemigos se mueven. Controle el ángulo de la cámara con su cuerpo. Si un enemigo tiene ataques de largo alcance, trate de mantenerlo fuera de la vista. De esta manera podrás ignorarlo por algún tiempo.
Aprende a esquivar. Puede que hayas notado que no todos los movimientos de tus enemigos pueden ser bloqueados. La segunda mejor cosa que se puede hacer es aprender a esquivar de manera efectiva y precisa. No sólo es un gran movimiento defensivo, sino también una forma más rápida de moverse para evitar las trampas.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Is landscape fabric safe for vegetables?
Dana Russian: The fuss is more than just about plastics that don t degrade. Most landscape fabrics are not suitable for vegetable gardening because of the chemicals it contains. You must use a landscape fabric especially made for VEGETABLE gardening. Otherwise, you are simply injection harmful carcinogens into your fresh vegetables!
Germaine Tieken: you have the perfect plan. The point of landscape fabric is that the rain and air can still get through.So the roots will be happy enough and the tree will still get what it needs. You will find eventually ( in years) that the roots will push up into the by then rotted down and inviting mulch but I am talking years. good luck
Cody Shimko: yes, however it did not seem to keep the weeds out of my garden this year
Freeman Rutkin: Sean, I've worked with the ground a lot - planting, weeding, and generally playing in the dirt. My experience is twofold: - plastic fabric doesn't degrade over time, you can still ! find it ten years after you've put in in the ground. However, - seeds from weeds are going to be blown by the wind or contained in bird droppings, and will grow in the topsoil you put over the fabric anyway. Save the $$ for the fabric - you'll just need to spend some time weeding on a regular basis. Enjoy!...Show more
Misty Vagle: Your best bet is to lay the fabric on top of the soil and use lawn staples to keep it down, just make the holes large enough for the plant to grow in, you will still have a minimum of weeding to do no matter what. A raised bed is the best way to grow veggies, just leave enough room between each plant so you can get around each one comfortabley for maintenance etc
Freeman Rutkin: IT's fine, I use it myself.There made of plastics, plastics don't degrade, thats what all the fuss is about.
Rayford Speziale: If you put the fabric under the bed you prevent the roots from your veggies from growing more then 8". They need to get down! below that.
Jose Bouliouris: You should use it to help ! eliminate weeds. You can get ones that are made from corn now, believe it or not. It's still black and looks like regular landscape fabric but it's organic. It's at Home Depot right next to the other stuff. Cost is about the same. It's what I use...
Comment dessiner votre propre tatouage temporaire
p>Les tatouages sont un excellent moyen dâaccentuer votre look et peuvent vous aider à exprimer votre créativité et votre individualité. Si vous nâêtes pas prêt pour un tatouage permanent, ne vous inquiétez pas. Essayez un tatouage temporaire pour voir si vous êtes prêt pour lâengagement. Créez un tatouage, puis utilisez du papier calque ou du papier ordinaire pour placer un contour sur votre peau. Remplissez-le de marqueurs ou dâeye-liner et scellez-le avec de la poudre pour bébé et de la laque pour cheveux ou un pansement liquide. Si vous voulez un look plus professionnel, essayez dâutiliser du papier tatouage à la place !
Imprimez un tatouage temporaire avec une imprimante à jet dâencre pour plusieurs tatouages. Achetez du papier tatouage temporaire pour lâimprimante en ligne ou dans un grand magasi! n. Créez votre tatouage ou téléchargez une image que vous voulez utiliser. Retournez lâimage avant de lâimprimer, car elle se retournera à nouveau lorsque vous la poserez sur votre peau.
Dessinez vos différentes idées. Utilisez un bloc-notes et un stylo pour créer des idées et des formes sur papier. Visualisez ce que vous voulez créer pour votre tatouage temporaire et essayez de le dessiner sur une feuille de papier ordinaire. Si vous foirez, recommencez à côté de votre erreur. Le but nâest pas de tout obtenir parfaitement, mais dâexplorer différentes idées, formes et formes que vous pouvez utiliser dans votre tatouage temporaire.
Arrêtez le tatouage. Mettez le film plastique sur le papier tatouage, ce qui facilitera la découpe. Utilisez des ciseaux pour couper autour du tatouage. Vous pouvez laisser un peu dâespace autour des bords, car ça va continuer à sâéclaircir.
Enfoncez le papier dans votre peau, côté crayon vers le ! bas. Appliquez une débarbouillette humide sur le papier et ma! intenez-la pendant quelques secondes. Enlevez un peu de papier pour voir si vous avez une esquisse. Si ce nâest pas le cas, tenez-le encore quelques secondes. Retirez le papier lorsque vous avez un contour.
Vaporisez un pansement liquide sur le dessus du tatouage. Vaporisez le pansement liquide sur le tatouage. Assurez-vous dâobtenir toute la zone, comme le tatouage ne restera pas en place aussi longtemps sans elle. Laissez sécher complètement avant dâessayer de le laver.
Remplir les grandes surfaces avec un marqueur à pointe grasse. Une fois le contour en place, gagnez du temps en utilisant un marqueur à pointe large pour le remplir. Utilisez ce marqueur de taille pour couvrir également une grande surface.
Vaporisez le dessin avec de la laque à cheveux. Tenez la laque à environ 6 pouces (15 cm) du tatouage. Vaporisez une couche solide de fixatif sur le tatouage, en faisant des mouvements de va-et-vient comme vous le faites. Assurez-vous de co! uvrir lâensemble du tatouage et de créer une couche épaisse.
Téléchargez le dessin sur un site Web de tatouage temporaire pour une impression professionnelle. Pour de nombreux sites de tatouage temporaire, vous pouvez créer votre propre conception et télécharger lâimage. Ensuite, achetez ce tatouage de la compagnie, et ils vous lâenverront par la poste.
Appliquez le tatouage temporaire sur votre peau. Enlevez le plastique de la feuille et pressez le tatouage dans votre peau. Ensuite, pressez une débarbouillette humide sur le tatouage jusquâà ce quâil soit complètement humide, et tenez-la pendant environ 30 secondes. Enlevez le papier et laissez le tatouage sur votre peau.
Utilisez du papier pour imprimante si vous nâavez pas de papier calque. Vous pouvez utiliser du papier ordinaire, mais vous ne pourrez pas voir aussi bien. Essayez de tracer le dessin légèrement sur un écran éclairé, comme une tablette. Pour le transférer de lâ! autre côté de façon à ce que le motif soit retourné, frottez le ! crayon sur une autre feuille de papier jusquâà ce que vous ayez un bloc solide. Placez votre motif en haut, à droite vers le haut. Tracez-le à lâaide dâun stylo, puis retournez-le. Vous aurez une légère silhouette au crayon, tirée du gribouillage que vous avez fait.
Ajoutez des détails plus petits et remplissez les couleurs. Une fois que vous avez dessiné le contour, vous pouvez commencer à remplir les détails les plus fins. Faites le tour de lâimage et remplissez des détails plus petits. Lorsque vous êtes satisfait de ce que vous avez conçu et dessiné, vous pouvez passer à appliquer le tatouage temporaire sur votre peau.
Dessinez le tatouage avec lâeye-liner. Commencez par tracer le contour du tatouage, pour savoir où sont les bords. Utilisez une pointe fine pour cette pièce. Une fois le contour en place, remplissez le tatouage avec lâeye-liner, en utilisant une pointe plus épaisse si vous en avez une.
Tracez le dessin sur du! papier calque pour faciliter lâutilisation. Le papier-calque est mince pour que vous puissiez voir à travers. Utilisez un crayon à mine pour recouvrir le dessin et tracer des lignes épaisses et foncées. Vous devez les rendre épaisses car sinon, elles ne se transféreront pas bien sur votre peau.
Cherchez lâinspiration dans les tatouages dâautres personnes. Trouver des conceptions de tatouage sur les personnes célèbres que vous aimez. Si lâun de vos amis ont des tatouages que vous trouvez esthétiquement agréable, faites une recherche dâimages en ligne pour trouver des tatouages dans un style similaire. Obtenez une compréhension de la culture de tatouage de sorte que vous ayez une meilleure compréhension de ce qui peut sembler bon sur vous. Visitez les blogs de tatouage et suivez les passionnés de tatouage sur les médias sociaux.
Ajoutez de lâalcool à friction à votre peau. Lâalcool à friction aidera à faire adhérer le crayon à vo! tre peau. Frottez-le de haut en bas à lâendroit où vous voulez plac! er le tatouage, et assurez-vous que votre peau est encore légèrement humide avec lui lorsque vous mettez le papier dessus.
Testez dâabord le marqueur sur votre peau. Vous pouvez utiliser nâimporte quel marqueur permanent, mais nâoubliez pas que certains ne sont pas faits pour être utilisés sur la peau. Toujours tester le marqueur dâabord sur une petite surface de peau. De cette façon, si vous avez une réaction, vous savez quâil ne faut pas utiliser ce marqueur.
Dessinez le contour à lâaide dâun marqueur fin. Utilisez un stylo à pointe fine pour dessiner lâextérieur de votre dessin. De cette façon, vous pouvez obtenir les détails fins que les marqueurs plus grands ne vous laisseront pas faire. Dessinez un dessin à main levée ou tracez sur un dessin au crayon que vous avez collé à votre peau.
Dessiner sur du papier tatouage temporaire pour un projet simple. Acheter du papier tatouage temporaire destiné à une imprimante ou à ! un dessin. Utilisez des stylos ou des marqueurs permanents pour dessiner votre tatouage, mais nâoubliez pas quâil se retournera lorsquâil sera sur votre peau. Cela signifie que tous les mots que vous écrirez seront à lâenvers.
Concentrez-vous sur quelque chose de personnel. Pensez à quelque chose de visuel qui se rapporte à une phase ou à un événement important de votre vie. Dâautres idées géniales comprennent des images qui vous rappellent votre famille ou vos amis. Pensez à des métaphores que vous pouvez utiliser et qui sâappliquent à votre vie.
Frotter la poudre pour bébé sur le dessin. Saupoudrez la poudre pour bébé sur tout le motif jusquâà ce quâelle soit recouverte. Frotter doucement avec le bout des doigts. Quand vous lâavez couvert, secouez doucement et brossez lâexcédent de poudre pour lâenlever.
Commencez simplement si vous êtes nouveau au dessin. Créer un dessin simple vous aidera à vous acclimater au ! dessin. Essayez des formes géométriques simples comme des carrés et ! des triangles avant de passer à des images plus complexes et plus détaillées.
Dessinez dâabord le contour de votre tatouage. Au début, ne vous laissez pas emporter par les moindres détails ou les ombres. Commencez par dessiner le contour extérieur de votre image avant de passer à des parties plus complexes. Essayez de tracer des lignes continues et régulières et évitez de rayer ou de gratter lâimage.
Mettez du talc dans votre tatouage. Saupoudrez de poudre pour bébé sur tout le tatouage jusquâà ce quâil soit couvert. Utilisez vos doigts pour le frotter doucement dans le tatouage. Nâoublie pas de lâappliquer sur tout le truc.
Friday, August 21, 2020
compare chinesse landscape with european art?
Lita Thammorongsa: Chinese landscapes are ethereal, there is only a suggestion of the ground, mountains, people. European landscape work hard to make us feel the ground we walk on. They paint in detail, not suggestion as in Chinese works.The Chinese spend years developing their strokes, while European artists usually have characteristic strokes, they devote most of their art style during their careers. more
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Thursday, August 20, 2020
How do you tighten it when you screw? Is it left or right?
Abraham Ladick: i always remember righty tighty, lefty loosey, hehe :D
Matt Gerdeman: ur pants are hanging to ur knees ha i hope that made sense = P
Danica Timperman: right...always right
Lou Ravelo: I just got reminded of bunnies.
Voncile Slaubaugh: I think the right technique for this one is called the "Donkey Punch"Right?
Dionna Doyel: lefty looseyrighty tightythat is how i recall
Seema Hosfeld: Pretend you're holdiong in a pee.And cough while you're doing it, that feels REAL good.
Anibal Scheid: Aren't they just amazing?
Tom Romer: You tighten it with kegels, silly.
Frank Crummell: Always do it right.....
Manual Burtis: People get tired of boiled carrots all the time. At my dinner parties I've seen a person pick up a boiled carrot and smack it on his plate with a big thud. There are a lot of nice things you can do with carrots, like this Texas hot peach carrot dish. When I serve this, I love to see the smile! s all around.Ingredients1 to 1 1/2 pounds fresh baby carrots1/4 cup butter1/4 cup brown sugar, packed1/2 cup Rothschild Farm Hot Pepper Peach preservesInstructionsBring 4 cups salted water to a boil in a 3-quart pot over High heat. Add carrots and cook uncovered, 6 to 8 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain well.Meanwhile, melt butter with brown sugar in a medium skillet over Medium heat; stir to dissolve sugar. Stir in preserves; cook 2 minutes to thicken and reduce slightly. Add carrots and toss. Season with salt to taste...Show more
Russ Kiernan: Any Cascada song.
Sherrill Botting: Do those kegel exercises - you'll be just like a virgin
Hyman Coren: you park your car and 5 mins later it's striped clean
Dionna Doyel: Today I prepared some carrots. I topped and tailed, peeled and then grated them. Some were huge, some were small and there seemed to be hundreds of them.
Sena Highman: righty tighty lefty loosey
Brittney Inabnit: you see kid! s outside with no shoes
Rosalyn Olivera: this is Italian!
Kris Otuafi: Yes..they have a nice oranegly glow about them and are well rooted.
Lawana Neemann: They're brilliant and so versatile. Savoury and sweet. Cooked or raw and so portable.
Danette Slotnick: Lefty loosy righty tighty.
Ninfa Aronica: lefty loosy righty... wait a second... you already knew that huh? just tighten yer muscles...
David Kuper: No left and no right just in and out
Arnette Dominici: They are. I just don't like to eat them warm and soft. I like them cold and crunchy.
Matt Tiry: You eat chicken that's in a box on a broken down couch listening to a jukebox.
Voncile Slaubaugh: basshunter and alex k
Romana Stiman: Depends on the threads. Standard piping requires turns to the left.
May Stands: very juicy(raw carrots)
Augustus Sarria: I make juice out of them, it is deliceous. Not into raw carrots.
Bob Nakamoto: Righty tighty...this reminds me of a question...
Merlin Fleischhacker: !
Kiersten Clayburn: both ways at the same time...yeah it needs some practice..-R
Ezekiel Kadner: If i answer, i will get reported again
Weldon Totaro: Mine is "Better Off Alone" Alice Deejay.... I like listening to the remixes
Hipolito Rightmire: Depends on my angle. DIY or with help? I prefer with help but I will do it myself if I need to.
Rose Krouse: you see a baby on the corner selling crack
Leontine Kreitz: Either way. It just depends on which makes her moan louder.
Pattie Vold: you ask a question like this
Chris Coggins: I love them shredded and share them with my dog
Dee Depung: Soooooo amazing that Louis take them as a criteria for liking girls ;-)
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Question about remodeling?
Fred Caminita: Both of these websites have options to virtually "paint" rooms and see how the color looks. It wouldn't be your actual room, but they give several room designs to choose from, and then you can 'click and drag' every color they - go to 'color ideas & tools' and then 'color visualizer' - go to 'Personal Color Viewer'...Show more
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
has anyone here ever taken any wilton cake decorating classes?
Toby Women: The books are out there. You learn a lot by asking and watching others in the classes and save yourself a lot of hassle. I enjoyed it long ago but never practiced enough to be great. I like my original cakes. . .anyway.
Antonia Quinnett: Yes you can learn from the books, but in the class the instructor does examples and then shows you what you are doing wrong when you first begin. Wilton offers 3 regular cake decorating classes and a couple other extras. If you take the first one you would probably get enough out of it to teach yourself. Good luck.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Ways to decorate? Halloween/Costume Dance?
Tracy Huesso: You could make most of the decorations yourselves. Are you planning on having a theme or just a general Halloween dance? If you go with a theme then you would have a good focus for your creativity and decorate accordingly. A lot can be done with construction paper and glitter. Also there are plenty of online sites that show you how to craft decorations. And you can make your own paper mache, which is wonderful for making 3 dimensional decorations. If you live near a lot of pine trees you can use pines needles to stuff some one's old clothes to make a dead person.Google How to make your own Halloween decorations. You'll find a lot of ideas....Show more
Jorge Detlefs: Cheap Ways To Decorate :)1. Ghosts - Drape cheesecloth or other light cloth over helium balloons to make ghosts :) - You can use a fan to make it look like the ghosts are moving2. Jars - Take clear jars and fill them with gummy frogs/worms or plastic eyeballs/spiders - At my sch! ool, we had to check in before we got in so you can set these on the check in table :)3. Fog - Check with your drama department and see if they have a fog machine you can borrow :)4. Skeleton - Check with a science teacher in your school; most schools have at least one human skeleton5. Halloween Wreaths or Dead Tree - Go outside and find some dead branches on the ground - use glue and rubber bands to make creepy wreaths - find a thick dead branch for the "trunk" of the tree and then glue smaller branches on to make a tree6. Tombstones - cut out a tombstone shape out of styrofoam - spraypaint/paint it gray - use a permanent black marker to write words or make cracks7. Spider Webs - tear apart cotton balls - tear apart cheesecloth8. Walls - cover the walls with black, gray, or dark blue paper - black: you can draw spooky night scenes - gray: use a black marker to draw stones in a stone wall and make windows with creatures looking in ! - use dark blue to cover the walls (this will be your night sk! y), then use the black paper to make the "ground" where you can put tombstones, etc. - cut out a big white circle of paper for your full moon or buy cheap glow-in-the-dark stars9. Streamers - cut up black trashbags or tie strings to make streamers10. Black Light - Check again with your school's drama department to see if they have a black light - You can also ask your administrators to check around other schools in your district.Hope this helps! Happy Halloween!...Show more
Rona Ising: It relies on the host and who might be reward. It might be quality. They would get somewhat extra touching than others but when they're pleased with that then move forward. The different choice is to put on a small g string below the paint. Have a a laugh occasion.
Comment obtenir une pré-approbation pour un prêt-auto
Ãtablissez un budget. Votre paiement de voiture lui-même devrait être entre 5 et 10 pour cent. En plus de cela, vous aurez des frais de carburant, dâassurance et dâentretien à prendre en considération. Dans lâensemble, vos frais de transport ne devraient pas dépasser 18 à 20 % de votre revenu mensuel total.
Obtenez de lâinformation de plusieurs prêteurs. Lorsque vous cherchez un prêt-auto préapprouvé, il vaut la peine de magasiner. Vérifiez les offres générales offertes par plusieurs prêteurs différents afin de vous assurer dâobtenir le meilleur taux possible.
Maintenir une couverture dâassurance complète. La plupart des prêteurs exigent que vous souscriviez une assurance tous risques â" responsabilité civile et collision â" sur votre voiture pendant qu! âelle est financée. Pour le reste de votre prêt, le prêteur conserve un privilège sur votre voiture.
Remplissez une demande de prêt. Habituellement, vous pouvez vous rendre dans une succursale de la banque ou auprès dâun prêteur et remplir une demande papier en personne. De nombreux prêteurs vous offrent également la possibilité de remplir et de soumettre une demande en ligne.
Choisissez votre voiture. Dans le cas de la plupart des prêts-auto préapprouvés, il nâest pas nécessaire que vous ayez choisi la voiture que vous voulez avant que votre prêt ne soit approuvé. En général, vous aurez 30 jours pour trouver une voiture après votre pré-approbation.
Négociez avec le concessionnaire. Avec un prêt-auto préapprouvé, vous êtes à lâavantage chez le concessionnaire une fois que vous avez trouvé la voiture que vous voulez. Tant quâil répond aux exigences de votre prêteur, vous savez déjà que le financement ne sera pas un p! roblème.
Présentez votre chèque en blanc. Selon votre! prêteur, vous devrez peut-être vous rendre en personne à une succursale bancaire pour compléter le processus de prêt automobile après avoir choisi votre voiture. Votre contrat de prêt contiendra des renseignements sur la façon de finaliser votre prêt.
Parlez à un agent prêteur. Si, en tout temps, vous avez des questions ou des problèmes concernant votre demande, cherchez un numéro que vous pouvez composer pour parler au prêteur. Vous voudrez peut-être aussi parler à un agent de prêt si vous voulez expliquer un problème dans votre dossier de crédit.
Vérifiez votre contrat de prêt. De nombreux prêts-auto préapprouvés comportent des exigences particulières auxquelles la voiture que vous achetez doit satisfaire. Si vous achetez une nouvelle voiture, ce ne sera probablement pas un problème.
Vérifiez votre pointage de crédit. Vous avez droit à une copie gratuite de votre dossier de crédit chaque année afin de vous tenir au courant! de votre pointage de crédit. Allez sur et commandez votre rapport gratuit avant de commencer à magasiner pour un prêt auto.
Comparez votre taux préapprouvé au taux de financement du concessionnaire. Bien que les prêts-auto préapprouvés vous offrent souvent le meilleur taux, le concessionnaire peut vous offrir des offres spéciales â" surtout si vous avez un bon crédit.
Commencez par votre propre banque. Lorsque vous commencez à chercher des prêteurs potentiels pour un prêt préapprouvé, vous aurez généralement la meilleure chance de travailler avec une banque ou une société de cartes de crédit avec laquelle vous avez déjà une relation.
Corrigez les erreurs dans votre dossier de crédit. Sâil y a quelque chose dans votre dossier de crédit qui est faux ou qui a été rapporté de façon inexacte, prenez des mesures pour corriger lâerreur avant de commencer à demander un prêt-auto. Les erreurs peuvent avoir un eff! et négatif sur votre score.
Rassemblez des renseignements pour v! otre demande. La demande de prêt ne prendra généralement pas plus de quelques minutes à remplir. Les choses se passeront mieux si vous vous assurez dâavoir toutes les informations dont vous pourriez avoir besoin avant de commencer.
Comparez les offres. Plus votre crédit est bon, plus vous aurez dâoptions si vous voulez obtenir une pré-approbation pour un prêt auto. La bonne nouvelle, câest quâun grand nombre de demandes de renseignements ne nuiront généralement pas à votre pointage de crédit, en supposant quâil sâagit de prêts-auto.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Son allergic to laundry detergent?
Hunter Osterberger: My son has eczema and I use dye-free, fragrance free laundry soap, like Dreft. I also do not use those softener sheets. For tonight, you could dab on a little hydrcortizone cream. Use sparingly.
Rona Espalin: Sounds like he is having a reaction to your laundry detergent or softener. I have had trouble with this in the past with both my daughter and me. I first started having bad trouble after having my first child. I had to buy All Free and Downey Free and had to rewash all my clean clothes over again. It took some time for my skin reaction to go away, but it finally did. Now I am able to use regular All laundry detergent and still use Downey Free and my whole family seems good. As far as lotions go, find something unscented or for sensitive skin. Eucerin always worked well for me. Good luck and happy washing!!...Show more
Helen Zafar: My husband and daughter have the same reaction to Gain. I use Tide.
Mark Villifana: Dref! t is safe for newborns/infants/toddlers. It's very mild detergent.
Jayson Brod: If I was in your position, I'd call the doctor. Stop using this detergent and go back to the old one. See if the rash goes away. Good Luck!
Cierra Gadbaw: You would need to stop washing his clothes with that laundry detergent. You could go back to Deft or I used tide for sensitive skin that help both of my boys because they had same problem your son is having.
Georgianna Zollo: It could be an allergy to the detergent. There are certain ones my family can't use because of that type of reaction when they do. Try finding an unscented detergent OR you could try something like a dye free detergent as well since it could also be the dye in the detergent that causes the rash.
clean up my browsing history? any suggestion?
Glynda Darrin: Use Ccleaner. Its the best. It clears your history, cookies, temp internet files and the best part does this from all your browsers, cleans up ur registry as well and permanently deletes recycle bin files.
Wally Gower: Tools> Delet Browsing History > choose the one you need to delete
Helen Zafar: ccleaner, is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning toolit will solve your problem.
Lindsey Zanardi: CTRL+H delete all
Floy Fague: Open Internet Explorer and press Alt and then on top , go to Tools>Internet Options>Browsing History> check all of the boxes and press delete.Thats it
Hye Caulley: complex step. seek in google or bing. just that may help!
Esteban Lyson: There are distinctive subject concerns to examine besides. somebody already pronounced a virulent ailment, you somewhat ought to desire to aim your workstation and make certain you're ! truthfully no longer affected with some form of malware. AVG and Avast are a pair of unfastened anti-virus thoughts. residing house abode windows Defender (assuming you're using residing house abode windows) is likewise efficient - and unfastened. it may additionally be so elementary as a difficultcontinual that's determining of room, or somewhat fragmented. under upload-ons-gadget equipment, you will hit upon Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter. Run the two. finally, and be very careful with this one, you may ought to clean your Registry. There are equipment available for this, yet inspite of you make the main of, confirm you do an entire backup and characteristic a rescue disk available or you may land up with an severe priced brick....Show more
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Cómo ponerse en contacto con su Capricornio Interior
Sea leal. Este signo es conocido por ser devoto cuando se trata de la amistad. También son buenos guardianes de secretos, asà que realmente no van chismorreando sobre los secretos de sus amigos.
El realismo es la clave. Capricornio tiene un enfoque realista para el bien, todo realmente.
Aunque intentan ser optimistas, naturalmente son pesimistas de corazón. Necesitan a alguien que les asegure que miren el lado positivo de la vida porque siempre pueden esperar lo peor de cada situación.
La mayorÃa de los Capricornio se casan por mucho tiempo, o posiblemente de por vida.
Sea un lÃder. A los capricornio les gusta liderar para mostrar el camino a los demás.
Sea ambicioso. «Ambición» es una palabra clave para este signo, por lo que se esfuerzan para que sus objetivos estén en la cima.
Tener altos estándares. No esperan nada! más que lo mejor y también son perfeccionistas.
Trabaja duro. Los capricornio viven y aman sus carreras, tanto, que rara vez abandonan el lugar de trabajo o defraudan a su jefe.
Sé introvertido. Capricornio prefiere hacer sus propias cosas cuando se trata de la vida, y disfrutar de actividades solitarias, tales como juegos, computación, etc.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Whats Health!? 10 point best anwser!!?
Arnoldo Budzynski: Health is feeling good both physically and mentally by eating low-fat, low-sugar, high protein, high fiber foods and implementing a daily exercise regimen along with weightlifting every other day to build muscle. Eating and exercising properly will lead you to be a healthy individual and will make you look good and feel great almost constantly!
Randall Twehous: health is eating good fruits and meals that are good for your body with nutrients and keep your body running and stay fit
Felipa Nosis: the physical and mental "fitness" of your body
Trena Berum: Health is basically how good shape your body is in or the wellnes of your body. No offense or anything but how do you not know what health is??
does anyone believe paying child support based on percentage of his income is cruel and unfair? Â
answers 0:Ok please dont turn my question into me saying any man should not pay child support. I do believe every man should take full responsibility of raising their child with or without being with their mother. Im just saying is that fair how they go by what a man gets payed? Why not make a man pay by estimating food, clothing, living expenses and medical insurance or whatever else it takes to make sure their child is raised right? For instance my wife looks at Daily Mail every day and she was telling me that they take $20,000 out of comedian Kevin Harts income and his Ex wife is now taking him back to court because she wants even more then that. Really! 20,000 is way beyond a child's needs a month ,that's $240, 000 a year. Mark Anthony ! pays around the same yearly also and his Ex wife is taking him back to court to. To me thats just greed. What about a woman's responsibility to work and put in their 2 cents in as well? Paying child support like that just puts a woman into early retirement before 10 years just because she had a child with a rich man and if the father falls off and aint famous anymore which I mean he's not getting paid anymore he'll be broke before he knows it in a short period of time and his Ex wife will be still living it up. Why does a woman have to live the lavish celebrity life like a celebrity just because she has a child with a rich father. Im just asking thats all...Show moreanswers 1:In the celebrity cases you mentioned, how is it cruel? The mothers may or may not be greedy*, but still, how is it cruel? When a man has such a high income that he can afford a quarter of a million dollars in child support, while still living a life of luxury himself, how does it qualify as cruelty?! There are child support arrangements that are cruel to the no! ncustodial parent, but generally speaking, those don't happen at the uber-wealthy level. *If the celebrity has children from a different mother who still live with him, I'm not convinced that the mother is greedy when she wants her own child to have the same material advantages as his half-siblings. One could argue that the dad owes an equal standard of living to all his children, even if the mother also benefits from the advantage....answers 2:I Dont believe in child support. I think custody should be split week on week off and the only thing that gets split is medical dental and vision oh and extra curricular activities. Each parent should be responsible for the children financially on their week. It's how my ex and I do it and we have never gone to court. I never want some judge that doesn't know us dictating how my ex and I raise our daughter. Funny but we are better parents apart then we were together and we seem to respect each other more. And our daughter doesn't ha! ve the issues that most children of divorced parents have. In a prefect world this arrangement would work for everyone if only women could let go of the control....answers 3:May I add since certain answers I've read . Since the rich father is more financially stable why dont he get the child. And what if the shoe was on the other foor and it was a woman paying the man. I bet to all wemen it would be cruel and unfair . Right!answers 4:Because the celebrity father wants his children to have the best....answers 5:240.000 per year is peanuts when you make millions per yearthey are not even taking out 20% for one child from these people like they do for the working stiffno, hard to feel they are paying too much...answers 6:If its the man he should pay the maximum amount. If he needs to he can get 3 or 4 jobs. Damn dead beat!answers 7:Yes it is.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
How often are men brainwashed/blackmailed into a woman's schemes?
Catheryn Small: i agree with the first one but disagree with the other 2
Heidi Creselious: You are generalizing. We are not all the same.
Leisa Brodnex: honey pick yourself up, and just get angry make that hurt heart become cold. Yu never know how strong you are til being strong is all you have left. You two guys below are jerks!!! Your own rock bottom girl climb up..and remember we all start somewhere.
Darnell Cutliff: you sound bitter and aren't forced into anything. they can use their brain and think for themselves.
Coleman Ocegueda: You sound very bitter. What about what women do for men? we cook and clean and most of us also hold down a job aswell and do most of the parent duties too! Yes there are some girls out there who trap men into having kids but most with common sense would rather a man that wants them as much as we do. There's 2 sides to every story and the grass isn't greener on the womans side.
Idell Mulliniks: It p! robably depends on how it effects your relationship. How often does he watch it and why does he watch it? Some people start watching it for fun, but it can become an addiction...seriously. Sex addictions sounded crazy to me until my husband started having early signs of it. He would watch porn once in a while and I was okay with it until it sometimes became 4 nights a week and then he said he started feeling dirty and ashamed because he felt he needed it. Our sex life was not bad either, really. We had sex like 4 times a week. I would suggest making a home video together, this way, when he wants to watch porn, he is just watching the two of you!! It's hard for a women to understand how a man can get off watching another women...I also feel like it's dirty but that's because my husband went too far. Always keep the lines of communication open. Ask his why he watches it and if he feels he needs it.goodluck!
Sharie Sommerville: 1- the man can always use a condo! m2-the husband might not want sex either. It DOES go both way.! 3- the man doesn't HAVE to pay anything if he doens't want to.Don't use those excuses for you getting played...Show more
Isreal Kochheiser: he has every right to do it as long as it does not get in the way of you own relationship.... thats like telling a woman you cant shop because your husband doesn't want you too.... as if he is a trained animal...
Antonia Boomershine: Its a chapter in your life ! Time heals! After a while if you just move on and stay away from him ! you will be ok !
Flor Lizardi: Absolutely, just like a woman should not go out clubbing constantly if husband says no. Marriage is about comprimise and alot of people fail to realize that. Which is why alot of them secretly are cheating or being cheated on
James Langmyer: Not all women are how you described them. I've known plenty of men who act in a very similar fashion.*Man wants children, tells woman that not having kids is a sin.* Man says he's the boss and will have sex no matter! what.*Man refuses to work so the woman needs to pay for everything.I've had friends that dated men like this. Don't stereotype women....Show more
Donella Vasta: *I think the tables can turn, at least with my experience. My ex did not want kids but led me to believe he did, so I wasted a good chunk of my life. I have a wonderful child that I am so thankful for. Now I won't have any more children for serious health reasons. His loss, my gain. P.S. Having kids is not a crime and all children are innocent and deserving of love.*With sex, I thought my ex was gay because of him wanting everything to go HIS your statement does not apply to everyone. Stop generalizing that women are selfish, please. Most of us have suffered just like you.*I prefer to keep finances separate. I lost all of my money to my ex because I 'wore the pants' and he was the 'wife' that I took care of. F***er.*Women don't plot. Men don't plot. You've obviously been in a bad relationship that y! ou need to get over. It's hard, but you will realize that what you thin! k is not as it seems. Trust me...I know so much about this....Show more
An Trebil: My live in boyfriend left me a month ago with no job, no money, overdue bills and I had to sell my home, gave my pets away and moved to an apartment because I needed money. I truly loved this man but found out a year in to the relationship he has an substance addiction. I lost everything of worth, he sold it. Losing everything and him has been very hard on me. I am angry and want to get the last word in and he will not allow me to do so. I need to get over this and move on but I don't know how. I just want to get even for all he has done to me and I don't want to dwell on him anymore....Show more
Saran Stealy: Yes and no.....Yes, in the sense that someone should not be doing something that their spouse is unhappy with.But also, no, if the person is being asked something which is somewhat unrealistic or unreasonable.If I ask my wife not to stab me in the leg with a fork, I am! justified. If I ask her to not eat bacon anymore - because I don't like bacon - I am not justified. A woman is not unreasonable in asking her husband to stop watching porn. But the same woman needs to be truthful in why they ask it. If their asking is (and, it usually is) based on some kind of perceived threat to their marriage (i.e. I don't want him ever finding another woman attractive!!) then it's futile. Unless they can come up with a good reason, they are not going to stop him. Some battles can't be won. This is usually one of them.What if I ask my wife not to talk to her sister anymore? Or watch the evening news? Or read Stephen King books? Or go outside without me? Simply bothering someone is not a good enough reason to expect them to stop what they are doing.
Bernadette Roel: I think scheme and lying are stupid as far as game goes, and just the term is. I would think if a man is not oblivious, not a dumbass and has a charming personality and decent lo! oks, he should do fine as long as he is confident in himself, not cocky! . But I wouldn't go as far as seeing a man as a failure if he has to do that to get women, but just not necessary. And I think the word failure is quite strong, as I don't really care for getting as much women as I can, but just for that moment getting sex, not because of scoring, but just get laid, but it would be something mutual and not something that I lie to a woman about or meet one that is fine with a fling as well. Why would it be a failure, women are mount everest right? They are mortals just like men, right? In order for a person to fail, they have to be striving for an achievement, which means that thing would be above them, right? So no, I wouldn't see it as a failure, and I think technique or "game" is overused. If a man is fairly good looking, funny, intelligent, charming, charismatic, with some talent, then as I said a man being nice, confident and actually showing that he cares about what a girl is saying and listening, and just being comfortable, therefore,! creating a comfortable conversation, because he is just talking and is at ease with himself, things should go fine (confidence), but if it doesn't, no big deal. A man should be fine like this, but you can't attract every girl....Show more
Antone Youla:
Ervin Laeger: Your facts are wrong.First, I wanted more kids than my wife. did. We stopped at two and not because I wanted too.Second, why would I want to have sex with my wife if she didn't want to too. That would be pretty meaningless.My wife has her own job and makes almost as much as me and sometimes more depending on her commissions.If she wants to manipulate me into doing something by using sex, that is fine with me. I'm getting what I want aren't I....Show more
Mohamed Szollosi: So he is responsible for you being jobless? Don't blame others for your stuff ups, you were over optimistic and erred in your judgment when it came to this guy and you should take some responisbility for that.
Moise! s Rupinski: If she is willing and able to satisfy him sexually then he ! should at least be will to not watch often.Typically she just wants to control him to make herself feel better which is not loving at all and still wants sex on her terms only; only what she wants to do and only when she wants it. Nothing else makes a man feel more trapped and unappreciated.Would you wear a burka if your husband asked you to?Basically what you are wishing is that every other women did.
Robbie Starchman: He can't take them out of the state or the country without your consent. That's called 'kidnapping;, and it's a federal offense.
Ronald Moehr: Why do women plot bad things on good men?Why do good men marry bad women?To answer your question - I don't know
Mitzie Clough: spouse? yes
Jackson Esmiol: If he is her slave, and she is his master, yes he should obey her command.If it is simply husband and wife, it is a request rather than a command. Perhaps it may be in his best interest to honor her requests, but there is no law of the univer! se stating he must obey her every command.
Joey Mekeel: If his watching porn really bothers the wife, he should respect her feelings.
May Stands: And can you provide a source for your facts other than yourself and your buddies? I think you are just bitter about something, because these aren't facts, they are your reality. If they are facts, prove it.
Irma Poiter: You can't get even. You need to give yourself time and distance, and try to heal. Look up support groups in your area for people who have been hurt by others' addictions. You'll probably find that many, many people will tell the same story as yours and you can learn from ways they coped and healed over time.
Dan Seen: even the first one I will agree with you but the other two I don't believe men are brainwashed into anything. They do it because they want to.
Kris Bozelle: I'm so sorry you're in this situation, it's horrible the way relationships can leave us and how the guy can see! m so fine and apathetic meanwhile. Unfortunately there isn't really a "! get better fast" plan that would work, girls already have somewhat obsessive minds- we dwell on situations and relationships far longer than is healthy and it can totally eat us alive. It certainly isn't easy, but I think the best thing you could do is try to move on. If you start loving yourself again and striving towards a new and better situation for yourself it takes away his power completely. Set little goals for yourself and find new things to delight in. Take it day by day and eventually it wont be a chore anymore, it will all fall into place with time. Best of luck to you!...Show more
Joel Feagler: u do not want closure, u want a revenge. so find out what he likes the most and take it from him. it might require some time and planning
Rickey Vrieze: Move? No; depending on what state you live in. Here in Pa you are not allowed to take the child out of the county, never mind the state. You need consent from the parent. Now in NY it used to be that unless th! e other parent contested, you could move anywhere. I moved to Pa from Long Island, letting my son's father know I wanted to go and he did not have a problem with it. Check the laws in your state. I do believe because of the custody issues of today, most states will have something in place to protect both parents....Show more
Moises Rupinski: Not really. What's wrong with watching porn every now and then. As long as it doesn't interfere with relationships. The wife needs to calm down and realize it's something men do.
Filiberto Amauty: yep they do lie about the pill heck sometimes they even tell the man the child is his when it is not.just to get him to marry her..i have seen that happen for the with holding sex..some do that to but it can and will often backfire as he will run around and soon leave for the money..most of the time the women pays the bills with money the man gives her..mostly his check as both have access to the account.why do wo! men do that to good man..why do men treat good women badly.. because th! ey let them do it and have no back bone to stand up for them bad good women can not find good men.. and the bad women can not find bad men..why do you think there a book out called ( why men marry bitches)...Show more
Sammy Hatzenbihler: Tom Leykis called.he wants his tired bitter woman-hating pissed off never gets laid so fat he can't see his d*ck over his beer gut super-fugly gotta pay for sex with toothless gay crack manwhores rant back....Show more
Charlotte Bryar: no.I don't see anything wrong with a man or a women watching porn, if anything I find that it is normal, we are human beings.Some people say that porn can improve their sex life.Maybe your man is watching porn because he has so much built up that he has to get rid of it somehow.I do have to say one thing I don't believe it viewing any kind of porn that involves a child. That is just down right wrong and sick.
Rheba Cockman: You seem to be speaking for ALL MEN don't! I wante! d kids - have 4 and 8 grand kids. My wife and I have sex whenever either of us wants it. My wife and I each have an income and we share expenses. Why don't you put down your club, come out of your cave, and get into the 21st century.
Jacques Vaquera: if you are legally married and there is no divorce action filed, a spouse can take a child/ren anywhere they so choose - if that happens, then you file for divorce and request immediate return of the children to the home state. It may or may not be granted depending on the circumstance.
Ezekiel Kadner: It happens all the time- not for evil, just to get our way
Kaylee Schmittou: watch together, and no if it worries the wife so much then maybe not
Rayford Latz: Because men will do anything if they think they'll get the booty. It's not the woman's fault for being manipulative, it's the male's fault for being so gullible & horny.
Mozell Sponsler:
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
can we use optical fiber as a light source?
Pattie Vold: Optical fiber is not a SOURCE of light, but it is an extremely good conductor of light.Your idea is very practicable and is probably functioning already.
Luis Farlow: Yes. Surgeons use such sources now to achieve adequate illumination of the surgical field. However, the stuff is too expensive to be used much for general illumination.
Kizzy Hett: I believe I heard of this being done in Hong Kong. Space is tight and many people live in apartments so they brought in sunlight through fiber optics that were connected to the outside. Very good idea really.
Patrick Bitsui: Yes, it is possible to use fibers to conduct sunlight inside. But the it isn't too straightforward to connect the sunlight into the fiber with good efficiency; solutions tend to be a bit costly when you want to get inside enough intensity to use as a light source. Windows are far more cheaper and efficient way; it's far wiser to cover your building with windows and thus illumin! ate the outer rooms well, than to cover the outside with fiber intakes and illuminate every room poorly. Only in some very special cases this kind of solutions could be economical.But the fibers as a conductor of artificial light is widely used. It's easier to connect into the fiber, you can do nice tricks with decoration in mind, and you can illuminate hard-to-reach places and stuff.Oh, and Mel: I really don't think this question was about light sources used to test optical fibers in data transfer applications. This was about illuminating a room. But hey, why to bother reading the question, or the single page you google?...Show more
Sammy Hatzenbihler: "We already got one"
Cómo elevar los niveles de fosfatasa alcalina
La fosfatasa alcalina (ALP) es una enzima presente en todo el cuerpo y, en la mayorÃa de los casos, no hay nada de qué preocuparse. Sin embargo, las deficiencias de ALP ocurren algunas veces como un sÃntoma de problemas médicos mayores. Si usted tiene una afección asociada con un bajo nivel de fosfatasa alcalina o si su médico ha hablado con usted sobre los análisis de sangre de bajo nivel de fosfatasa alcalina, es importante que haga un seguimiento y busque tratamiento para la causa subyacente. Además, agregar grasas saludables y ciertos suplementos a su dieta también puede ayudar a elevar sus niveles de fosfatasa alcalina.
Hable de sus resultados con su médico para entender por qué su ALP es baja. Debido a que los niveles bajos de ALP son raros y siempre son sintomáticos de una afecció! n mayor, es importante que hable sobre sus resultados con su médico. Si usted aún no conoce la causa subyacente de su ALP, su médico puede aconsejarle que se haga pruebas adicionales dependiendo de sus sÃntomas.
Aumente su consumo de grasa saludable. Junto con la ingesta general de calorÃas, es importante asegurarse de que está obteniendo la mayor parte de sus grasas a partir de grasas saludables para elevar su fosfatasa alcalina. Las grasas saludables que han demostrado ayudar con la fosfatasa alcalina incluyen el aceite de hÃgado de bacalao, el aceite de coco y el aceite de maÃz. Trate de tomar cualquiera de estos como parte de sus comidas regulares, o tome uno como un suplemento diario.
Asegúrese de que está obteniendo suficientes calorÃas. Debido a que la causa más común de la ALP crónica baja es la desnutrición, su dieta es a menudo lo primero que necesita ajustar. Comience por asegurarse de que está obteniendo suficientes calorÃas para su ! edad, sexo, nivel de actividad y peso. La manera más precisa ! de hacer esto cuando se trata de un bajo nivel de fosfatasa alcalina es trabajando con su médico.
Tome un suplemento diario de zinc. Los bajos niveles de zinc podrÃan contribuir a la baja fosfatasa alcalina. Observe las etiquetas de sus alimentos mientras come durante el dÃa y lleve un registro de su consumo de zinc. Si es menos de 30-40 mg, agregue un suplemento de zinc a su dieta para ayudar a aumentar sus niveles generales de zinc.
Haga un seguimiento con un especialista si su médico se lo recomienda. Algunas causas subyacentes de la falta de fosfatasa alcalina no son muy comunes, por lo que no todos los médicos de atención primaria están preparados para tratarlas. En ese caso, es posible que lo remitan a un especialista en el área de tratamiento necesaria. Haga un seguimiento con ese especialista tan pronto como sea posible de acuerdo con las instrucciones de su médico.
Evalúe sus factores de riesgo para una ALP baja. Los niveles bajos de ALP! son tÃpicamente una condición temporal observada en individuos que recientemente han tenido una transfusión de sangre o una cirugÃa de bypass cardÃaco. Los bajos niveles crónicos de fosfatasa alcalina siempre acompañan a otro problema de salud, más comúnmente la desnutrición. Las personas con enfermedad de Wilson o un trastorno metabólico óseo extremadamente raro llamado hipofosfatasia también pueden tener una fosfatasa alcalina baja.
Hágase un análisis de sangre estándar. Su médico tendrá que ordenar este examen de sangre para usted. Esto examinará para detectar la ALP, junto con un número de otras enzimas que ayudan a indicar su nivel general de salud. Si usted tiene inquietudes con respecto a sus niveles de ALP debido a desnutrición o a una afección preexistente, pregúntele a su médico acerca de hacerse una prueba de sangre estándar.
Trabaje con su médico para tratar la causa subyacente. Debido a que los niveles bajos de fosfatasa a! lcalina son siempre sintomáticos de otra condición, usted tiene que t! ratar la causa subyacente para tratar la condición permanentemente. Hable con su médico acerca del tratamiento adecuado para la causa de su ALP baja y siga sus instrucciones muy de cerca para elevar sus niveles de fosfatasa alcalina.
Hable con un dietista. Si sus niveles bajos de fosfatasa alcalina son causados por desnutrición, trabajar con un dietista recomendado por el médico podrÃa ayudar. Su dietista puede trabajar con usted para calcular sus necesidades de macronutrientes y micronutrientes, y ayudarle a desarrollar un plan de comidas viable para cumplir con sus metas dietéticas.
Use un suplemento de hierro para tratar la anemia subyacente. Si su nivel bajo de fosfatasa alcalina es causado o exacerbado por la anemia, un suplemento de hierro puede ayudar. Los hombres biológicos generalmente necesitan alrededor de 8 mg de hierro al dÃa, mientras que las mujeres biológicas necesitan alrededor de 18 mg al dÃa.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Politically, in the wake of the AZ shooting, can we all agree on the need for better mental health programs?
Lino Cawthorne: I really do not think that is what they are looking for.
Erica Bottaro: anything to grow an authoritarian central government, right?
Lauri Ohl: This is what I've been saying for the past 3 days!;_ylt=AnJzd...
Corrina Faro: I don't think there is such a thing as a good mental health program.Our only answer to mental illness is more drugs to keep everyone toned down so that they aren't noticed by society, that's what they call "success."In the meantime more and more people are being kicked out of mental hospitals. In Los Angeles there was a bus stop where the latest busload of discharged mental patients would disembark; it was famous amongst the young people and everyone tried to avoid waiting there for a bus.The real answer is to muzzle the hate mongers on TV, the politically motivated talk show hosts who are warning the audience constantly that anyone of the opposite party is destroying America.I've! lived a pretty long life and never in my memory was there such hate-filled rhetoric on television.The greatest example is, of course, the Fox channel. I'd like to be fair, but really, they are the ones who contribute most to fueling the fantasies of crazies....Show more
Irving Jordahl: I hate to say it, but president bush had more economic common sense then mr. obama
Wilbert Shellgren: uumm uh huhand then what do you do with literally thousands of US troops returning home with most times undiagnosed 'mental health' problems after being forced to blow people in half, or watching their buddies being halved by people simply want them to go home!Huh?what about them?so pleasethere are people all over the world walking around with burdens they just can't deal with.Some survive. Some don'tThe guy you're talking about?On the same level as the Columbine killers. Only difference was another kind of agenda....Show more
Rodolfo Merel: Except for a few minor details.! I'm sure you've seen this list before. But facts are facts, a! nd they don't lie. Bush was the least competent Commander-in-Chief this country has ever known. He made us a laughing stock and an international pariah. He isolated the United States from the rest of the world. He caused terrorism to grow and flourish. He started the longest,most unneccesary and costliest (in terms of lives and money) war in U.S.history. Do you honestly think Obama can be compared to this. ''Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.''â"President George W. Bush, to FEMA director Michael Brown, who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his job performance, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005 "There are some who feel like that conditions are such that they can attack us there," Bush told reporters at the White House. "My answer is 'bring em on'. We have the force necessary to deal with the situation." -bring them on. He got his wish and more for 8 bloody years, so far. Bring it on! He was an embarrassment and a disaster. Repubs, can you honestly refute any of these! charges? Try to be grown up about it, instead of your usual vile and hateful name-calling. I suppose you do this because you have nothing else to say.1. Lied about WMD. 2. Unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation without provocation and justification. 3. Lied during State of the Union speech re: Niger Uranium. 4. Responsible for pre-9/11 intelligence failures in White House, CIA, FBI. 5. Allowed 9-11 murderers to remain free while diverting precious military and financial resources to his vanity war in Iraq. 6. Lied about Saddam/bin Laden connection. 7. Turned Iraq into a terrorist breeding ground. 8. Lied about nation-building. 9. Opposed creation of 9-11 Commission and Homeland Security Department. 10. Disrespected and alienated the U.S. from French, German and other key allies. 11. Lied to Americans about the real cost of war. 12. Fostered an environment of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. 13. Lined Halliburton's pockets in Afghanistan and Iraq with fat no-bid contr! acts. 14. Under-manned and under-equipped our armed forces in Iraq, res! ulting in unnecessary death and injuries. 15. Ignored the nuclear build-up in both Iran and N.Korea; marginalized Kim Jong Il. 16. Shunned Kyoto Treaty. 17. Lied about effects of man-made pollutants on the environment to support corporate pals. 18. Lied about the insolvency of Social Security. 19. Gave huge cuts to the wealthiest taxpayers. 20. Lied about true cost of health care bill. 21. Lied about Free Trade stand. 22. Bitterly divided the nation along religious, party and sexual preference lines. 23. Guilty of numerous cronyism appointments (Homeland Security, Supreme Court, etc) 24. Rewarded failures of Condi Rice and other cronies with key promotions. 25. Dreadful energy policies lead to record gas and oil prices. 26. Responsible for the largest debt in U.S. history. 27. Colossal failure of preparedness, rescue and relief during Hurricane Katrina. 28. Fostered a culture of corruption among GOP and top leadership (Tom Delay, etc). 29. Allowed Donald Rumsfeld to keep jo! b despite utter failure in Iraq. 30. Presided over the U.S.'s lowest popularity throughout the world. 31. Saw No Child Left Behind fail. 32. Lied last week about Iraqi troop strength during Saturday radio address.Read more: more
Mario Stricklan: If the government is supposedly monitoring all internet, phone, and email communications then how come MILLIONS get away with downloading music for free illegally? Something tells me that the bark is louder than the bite. I betcha that downloading music illegally is hurting the economy. Therefore people that download music illegally must be terrorists!!...Show more
Davina David: Except 5 time the deficit spending
Cletus Crotts: Why would you say that? This guy never tried to get any help nor did anyone tell authorities that he needed it although plenty of people saw him as a potential serial killer and he was kicked out of college because he scared the cr! ap out of everyone. The other night Bill Maher came across like a total! moron when he said "This is what happens when Government is too small". Is Big Government supposed to keep close tabs on every one of us and "re-educate" us if we exhibit the wrong behaviors?...Show more
Caroyln Ebach: When I was in high school (decades ago), they would identify people who were "at risk" of having a psychotic break, and push them right into psychiatric evaluations since schizophrenics have their first psychotic break often from age 16-21.But, I can't imagine the progressives have allowed public schools to step in like this anymore. They think these people are "unique", "interesting", marching to another "drummer", and should not be "ostracized" or "labelled" and so, I imagine thousands of these kids are falling through the cracks and nobody gives a crap until AFTER they go off. And look at this guy's parents. Kicked out of school. Threatens people. Behaves bizarre. They knew very well, he was sick and DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. The real criminals he! re are the shooter and his parents, and the school he attended, and the local police that "let him go time and time again" without ever getting mental health officials involved.Money won't help this problem. Progressive liberalism wouldn't allow it, if it could....Show more
Torrie Weissenbach: The spending and his ability to read a teleprompter.
Moira Woodrow: LIMEWIRE ITSELF IS NOT ILLEGAL. But let's be realistic, the majority of the people there download music and games illegally without permission from the copyright holder. That is in violation of international law.
Ronny Nowzari: yes I can agree with that . but the main part is the person has to want help.
Stanton Villao: Cite your source. Or shut up.
Tereasa Sorensen: I don't think it's as non-controversial as you think it is.Mental health programs cost a lot of money. There are people in this section who think the income tax should be eliminated.And many mentally ill people do not want p! sychological care. They are generally only able to be forced into it if! they are determined to be a danger to themselves or others.This requirement means that there will be people who are actually dangerous that will be missed by the authorities. It is possible that Loughner would not have received involuntary mental health care, even if he had been identified by state health officials.The only way to prevent crazy people from doing dangerous things is to force all of the into care. And forced medical treatment is a violation of civil liberties.I'd like to see there be more opportunity for people to receive mental health care. But many people who need it won't choose to go. Part of this is the stigma involved; it's socially acceptable to go to the doctor because you have cancer, but it's not socially acceptable to go to the doctor because you have schizophrenia, even though being afflicted with either disease is outside of your control.If we could eliminate the monetary and social barriers to mental health treatment, perhaps we will begin seei! ng less of these events....Show more
Jacques Teri: rush is an obese blowhard who will die of a heart attack if he doesn't change his life. fox news is a wing of the republican party. you can't reason with anyone who believes in either of those two sources.
Ollie Desalvo: Absolutely,The ironic part is that Arizona has some of the easiest laws in place for getting judge appointed mental help. All one has to do in Arizona is file a complaint with the state and voice a concern that the person in questions needs mental help. The police are then required by AZ law to investigate. In most other states, this cannot happen. A person must show signs of suicidal thoughts or other extreme mental anguish for a court appointed visit. And then, it can only be done by family members. In AZ, anyone can call out anyone for mental health.The community college that Loughner went to dismissed him and had multiple meetings with his parents to voice concern about his mental health! , and also would not let him re-enroll in classes unless he got an "all! clear" from a mental health expert.It is unclear what the parents did in response to this.Andy, I think that there are already programs in place for diagnosing mental health. I think that people just have to be more aware of the mental health of others, and have the wherewithal to do the right thing when they know someone in need of some mental health help....Show more
Leora Klingelhoets: bush did not reform the entire health care system.
Maritza Ebanks: yes definately and better checking on gun sales
Catheryn Barringer: Patraeus is in Obamas pockets and he will report whatever Obama says for him to report. The media does not want to place attention on this because they don't want Obama to look bad... the only media that has really tried to get to the bottom of this is Fox news. I wouldn't trust Rush however. Fox news gets discredited because they are basically the only news that tries to give an account on both sides. Every other news station just sits a! nd stays for Obama. Im sick of hearing people say that FOX news is false, because they are just reporting the news without the icing. just look at the elections. the entire media was against Romney, but they said hardly a negative comment about Obama... bias much? FOX was one of the only stations to dare to say something negative about Obama AND Romney, and not just one sided. What has journalism come to?
Carter Dewater: I don't think the government is or should be worried about folks downloading music or games. That is the least of this world's concerns.
Wally Gower: i could like to confirm each and every of the advice, VIDEO, AUDIO, EMAILS, released and then we are able to confirm the actuality. Regardless what that fact says. no longer the cherry picked tale we are starting to be. in case you cared relating to the actuality, you want that too. yet, you do no longer care relating to the actuality, you care approximately powdering Obama's as$ and putting a di! aper on him and giving him his bottle.
Elinore Schlinker: If repo! rts from Fox and Rush are of little or no consequence or value. Why bring them up ?
Adrian Sherlin: Not really. Better mental health programs would have done nothing at all to prevent this shooting.Just how would Loughner have been forced into being evaluated prior to the shooting ?
Geraldo Mccalla: ...the NAVY report, and testimony of General Patraeus.But we're supposed to believe them right?Especially since they led with the lie that "Embassy staff weren't allowed to have live bullets."
Arnoldo Budzynski: He's not. W is more charismatic.
Bibi Tyron: Actually the civil war was more costly in lives and money (compared to the value of a dollar then. Get some facts and come back and see me!
Ronny Dorge: I really don't think the government has hundreds of thousands of agents sitting in a big room listening to all the conversations happening at all times.
Comment activer un microphone sur Mac
p>Ce wiki vous apprend comment activer un microphone interne ou externe sur votre Mac.
Réglez les paramètres du microphone sélectionné. Pour ce faire, utilisez les commandes situées dans la moitié inférieure de la fenêtre.
Cliquez sur Préférences système. Câest près du haut du menu déroulant.
Cliquez sur Entrée. Câest un onglet en haut de la fenêtre.
Cliquez sur le menu Pomme. Câest dans le coin supérieur gauche de lâécran.
Testez le niveau sonore. Parlez dans le microphone pour voir si le son sâenregistre dans le lecteur marqué « Niveau dâentrée ». Si vous voyez des lumières bleues dans la barre de niveau dâentrée lorsque vous parlez, câest que votre microphone a été activé.
Branchez un microphone externe. Si vous souhaitez utiliser un microphone externe, connectez-le à votre Mac via un port USB, u! n port dâentrée ligne audio ou Bluetooth.
Cliquez sur Son. Câest au centre droit de la fenêtre.
Sélectionnez un microphone. Tous les microphones et périphériques dâentrée audio disponibles seront listés dans le menu en haut de la fenêtre. Cliquez sur celui que vous souhaitez utiliser.
Monday, August 10, 2020
I get aroused easily? Is that normal?
Davis Zou: What's your phone number. Oh sorry, you're only 17. Get back to me when you reach 18. K :)
Queenie Ruthers: Wrong section right section... the answer is still the same. People are sexual beings, that includes women and at your age your are going through a rush of hormones and physical changes that can affect your arousal. Its normal. Its healthy many other women would actually be jealous because they don't get as aroused as easily.
Demetrius Coaster: ya its totally normal i sometimes do to its normal
Cornelius Thornborrow: wrong section, sorry
Ira Porietis: Additional Details: I bet your wet again.
Lucien Hellerman: its ok 2 do that but it is common its a phase
Joie Kemmis: lol men's health section, has interesting questions which may or may not have slightly aroused me.
Woodrow Neyman: Yes Normal,You have still hormones going crazy so you go wet.
Andre Winegar: ummmm . . . im guessing its normal. i don't know! , as i am not a girl. but getting aroused easily is better than rarely getting aroused.having a girlfriend that got aroused easily is HOT
Comment retirer une bougie dâun moule
p>Maintenant que vous avez réglé votre mèche, mélangé et versé votre cire, il est temps dâenlever votre nouvelle bougie. Il est facile de sâenthousiasmer quand on est si près de voir le résultat de son dur labeur. Cependant, soyez patient et efficace pour retirer la bougie de son moule. Vous devrez enlever le scellant à moule et extraire la bougie, ainsi que savoir comment enlever les bougies collées.
Tirez légèrement sur la mèche. Si le fait de taper sur le moule ne suffit pas pour déloger la bougie, vous pouvez tirer doucement sur les quelques centimètres de mèche qui sortent par le haut de la bougie. Nâutilisez pas trop de force lorsque vous tirez sur la mèche ; vous risqueriez de casser la ficelle ou de la faire glisser hors de la bougie.
Retirer les bouchons en caoutchouc du moule. Les bougies de moule en caoutchouc on! t la forme dâune toupie ; elles ont une grande base et une pointe conique. Dâhabitude, ils se glissent dans le trou au fond dâun moule à bougie. Cela signifie quâil suffit simplement de saisir la base et de les retirer.
Tapez sur le fond du moule. Retournez le moule de façon à ce que lâouverture soit orientée vers le bas. Utilisez vos doigts pour tapoter légèrement le fond du moule, ce qui fera bouger la bougie. Tapotez lentement et progressivement, sinon la bougie risque de glisser trop rapidement.
Utilisez de lâeau bouillante pour enlever les bougies complètement coincées. Enfin, si vous avez essayé tout ce qui précède et que vous ne pouvez pas retirer la bougie, vous devrez peut-être réduire vos pertes. Placez le moule dans un plat métallique rempli dâeau bouillante et attendez que la bougie ramollisse. Après quelques minutes, vous devriez pouvoir récupérer la bougie ; utilisez une pince ou une cuillère en bois pour éviter de ! vous brûler.
Attendre que le moule refroidisse complèt! ement. Si vous essayez dâenlever la bougie avant que la cire nâait complètement durci, la surface de la bougie pourrait se déchirer et sâémietter. Laissez le moule sur une surface plane qui ne sera pas endommagée tant que le moule est encore chaud. Cela peut prendre un certain temps pour que le moule refroidisse ; soyez patient.
Décoller les scellants de type mastic. Les scellants à mastic sont généralement moulés autour de la base du moule pour sceller le trou. Ils sont généralement pressés dans un disque et collés au fond du moule. Enlever ce type de scellant est aussi simple que de le décoller, un peu comme de la colle collante.
Mettez le moule au congélateur pendant 5 minutes. Si la bougie est particulièrement difficile à déloger, vous pouvez essayer de mettre le moule dans le congélateur. Retirez-la au bout de cinq minutes et essayez dâenlever la bougie. Sâil ne bouge toujours pas, laissez-le au congélateur pendant cinq minutes! de plus. Vous ne voulez pas laisser le moule plus de 10 minutes, car la bougie se fissurera.
Réfrigérez le moule. Placer le moule dans le réfrigérateur accélérera le processus de refroidissement, ce qui aidera la cire à durcir et à se séparer du moule. Retourner le moule toutes les 30 minutes ; ceci assurera que le moule et la cire refroidissent uniformément. Vérifiez le moule périodiquement ; vous voudrez le sortir du réfrigérateur dès quâil sera froid au toucher.
Enlevez les scellants magnétiques pour moules. Les scelleuses de moules magnétiques sont de simples tôles métalliques qui sont chargées magnétiquement. Ils sâenclenchent sur le fond dâun moule pour empêcher la cire de sâéchapper. Pour les enlever, il suffit de les retirer.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
GUYS: have you ever teased a girl because of her period?
Tyrone Disanti: no way thats messed up. Ive teased my friend jokingly with a lot of things, but never that ( shes a girl )and its for the same resone as Jline
Pam Rampadarat: That would not be nice and the answer is no, I havent.
Walter Scordino: Never in a million years. That's part of a womans life and if you wanna tease her, you are either mentally retarded or immature. It is because of that, you are alive today. If you still wanna tease her, I only have 2 words for you "grow up". Hope I didn't hurt anyoneCheers
Fermin Tara: Never. Its a part of a woman's natural body function.
Kris Otuafi: sorry for asking this in men's health...
Randall Twehous: except a woman lives and sleeps mutually there is not any way that any guy could understand that a woman is on her era except she tells the entire city the place she lives so no no you will ever tease a woman because of the fact of her era and no I easily have in no way teased any lady or ever c! ould the two.
Nikita Schroepfer: Not exactly, but kind of. One of my best friends is a girl (but shes not my girl friend, just a friend) and well, long story short, I ended up having to go on a tampon run for her and it was horrible! The aisle was so long and there were so many choices, I didn't know what to choose and it was embarassing trying to figure it I gave her crap for making me go for like the next six months. I don't think I would ever tease a girl for having a period or anything because it would be rude since she can't control it and everyone gets one, plus it would probably embarass her, but if she brings me into the situation by making me buy tampons or whatever, I would and did give her crap for it. Really though, I was glad to help her out....Show more
Comment savoir si quelquâun ment
p>Les gens mentent pour de nombreuses raisons. Parfois, les gens mentent pour sauver la face et dâautres fois, ils mentent pour leur profit personnel. Repérer un mensonge devient particulièrement vital lorsque vous voulez éviter de vous faire arnaquer ou arnaquer. Bien quâil nây ait pas de moyen sûr de le faire, il y a de nombreux signes à surveiller pour déterminer si quelquâun est faux.
Regarde si ses mains touchent son visage. Bien que beaucoup de menteurs ne soient pas agités, ils peuvent quand même porter leurs mains sur leur visage. Sous le stress de fabriquer une histoire, un menteur peut éprouver un certain niveau dâanxiété. Le sang peut alors sâécouler des extrémités, y compris des oreilles. Parfois, cela peut causer des chatouillements ou une autre sensation, et la personne peut lever les mains pour toucher les oreilles.
Ãcoutez pour lâ! éclaircissement de la gorge et la déglutition. Une personne qui ment peut se racler la gorge plus souvent ou avaler beaucoup avant de répondre à une question.
Lisez les micro-expressions. Les microexpressions sont des mouvements faciaux très mineurs qui capturent les vrais sentiments dâune personne. Il sâagit dâémotions fugaces, qui ne durent parfois que 1/125e de seconde.
Ãcoutez les mots et les phrases qui se répètent. Quelquâun qui ment peut répéter certains mots ou phrases. Il peut sembler quâil essaie de se convaincre lui-même dâun mensonge. Il est également possible que certaines phrases ou certains mots fassent partie de son mensonge répété.
Ãcoutez les fragments de phrase. Souvent, les menteurs commencent à donner une réponse à une question et sâarrêtent. Ils recommenceront alors ou ne complèteront pas une phrase. Cela peut indiquer quâils trouvent déjà des failles dans leur propre histoire et quâils essa! ient de dissimuler les erreurs quâils disent.
Surveill! ez les déconnexions verbales/non-verbales. Parfois, une personne dit une chose et son corps réagit dâune autre manière involontairement. Par exemple, il peut répondre oui à une question, mais sa tête peut secouer dâun côté à lâautre, indiquant non.
Recherchez le manque de détails dans une histoire. Les gens qui mentent ont tendance à omettre les petits détails que les révélateurs de la vérité laissent. Les détails mineurs sont plus difficiles à suivre et à retenir, de sorte que les menteurs trouvent généralement préférable de les omettre.
Surveillez les mouvements du corps de la personne. Beaucoup de gens qui mentent ont tendance à rester immobiles. Certains attribuent cela à la réaction du corps à une situation menaçante. Semblable à la réaction de combat ou de fuite, le corps reste immobile, prêt à se battre.
Ãcoutez les choix de mots de la personne. Le langage dans une histoire fabriquée devient généralement plu! s impersonnel. La personne peut diminuer lâutilisation de mots à la première personne, tels que « moi », « moi » et « le mien ». La personne peut éviter dâutiliser les noms des gens, au lieu dâutiliser des mots comme « lui » et « elle » avec plus de fréquence..,
Surveillez une déviation. Lorsque vous interrogez un menteur, il peut détourner vos questions pour vous faire dévier de votre trajectoire. Il peut changer de sujet ou répondre à votre question par une question.
Voyez si le visage de la personne montre pleinement ses émotions. Lorsquâune personne simule une émotion, son visage le trahit souvent, parce quâil peut ne montrer de lâémotion que sur la moitié supérieure ou inférieure de son visage. Par exemple, si quelquâun sourit, voyez si cette émotion lui monte aux yeux. De même, si quelquâun pleure, cette émotion semble-t-elle cohérente avec lâexpression sur la moitié inférieure de son visage ?
Notez toutes les postures défensives du corps. Les postures défensi! ves peuvent indiquer de la frustration et dâautres émotions, mais elles peuvent aussi indiquer que quelquâun ment. Les postures défensives du corps peuvent inclure :Posez une question à laquelle la personne ne sâattend pas. Beaucoup de menteurs ont leurs histoires en ligne pour les questions quâils anticipent. Lorsque vous leur lancez une balle courbe en leur demandant quelque chose dâinattendu, ils pourraient ne pas avoir une réponse appropriée.
Reconnaître quand la personne corrige ce quâelle dit. Les corrections spontanées se produisent lorsque le menteur essaie de maquiller et dâéditer lâhistoire telle quâelle est racontée. Si vous remarquez que la personne se corrige souvent, son histoire peut être inventée.
Surveillez les lèvres bien serrées les unes contre les autres. Les menteurs pressent souvent leurs lèvres ensemble plus fermement et plus fréquemment lorsquâils ne disent pas la vérité. Parfois, cela peut indi! quer une certaine concentration, ce quâun menteur doit souvent avoir pour fabriquer son histoire.
Remarquez sâil est en train de se toiletter ou dâajuster quelque chose. Beaucoup de menteurs sont soudainement distraits par le besoin de lisser leurs cheveux, dâaligner un stylo sur le bureau ou de pousser une chaise à une table. Ces actions peuvent être des indicateurs que la personne ment.
Recherchez une diminution du clignotement de lâÅ"il. Le mensonge exige plus dâénergie cognitive, car le menteur doit se concentrer davantage tout en exerçant son énergie mentale. Les gens ont tendance à cligner des yeux moins souvent lorsquâils dépensent de lâénergie cognitive, alors cherchez à réduire les clignotements si vous pensez que quelquâun ment.
Portez attention au niveau de détail de leur histoire. Lâajout dâun grand nombre de détails apparemment non pertinents peut également être un signe quâils mentent. Faites attention à ! ce que la personne ajoute ou non des détails infimes à ce quâelle ! dit. Ils peuvent penser que le fait dâajouter plus de détails rendra lâhistoire plus crédible. Dâun autre côté, ils peuvent aussi essayer dâêtre plus généraux dans leur histoire pour éviter de se faire prendre par des détails incohérents.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
What does health care have to do with general welfare?
Bianca Lannier: LOL, I love your satirical posts... they're good enough that lots of Cons even get fooled into thinking they're answering one of their own :) ... I must disagree with on you 1 point though... the Ebola thing... if your neighbor gets Ebola I'd like to be immediately notified so I can take a hasty vacation for a far away country, as the US will have a very terrible month of bleeding from every orfice before horrible death :)
Stevie Kizziar: I suspect this is a parody of the right - but given the lunacy of some extremists on the right I cannot be sure, so if it is - well done, if it is not - here is my response.1. You are dead wrong. Illnesses do spread from person to person and even through the community other than from person to person. Using your argument you could claim that no situation affects the General Welfare. If my neighbour is killed by a terrorist or your neighbour is raped - that is thier *individual* problem2. Nobody is advocating "public! healthcare" - there is simply nothing about this bill that results in the government becoming more a provider of healthcare, nor an insurer than they are now.3. The list of countries that are "free, rich and a democracy" that ensure universal healthcare is every single other developed nation on Earth, from Australia to the United Kingdom.This sort of ignorant rant was a large reason you guys lost the last election and the healthcare debate....Show more
Tory Clapper: The US Govt is whatever the people decide to make it via their elected representatives.There is nothing in the Constitution about capitalism, nothing preventing there being public healthcare, a federal Army, social security or any other thing!The 10th amendment means that things not PROHIBITED in the Constitution remain rights - period.Therefore the public has a right to public healthcare if it so decides....Show more
Ariel Arons: I have read a couple of your responses to questions and, quite frankl! y, I can't tell if you are using sarcasm or you are just plain! stupid. Please tell me that you are using sarcasm because I don't think that anybody could be so wrong about everything they say. If you are serious, I might have to downgrade my opinion of the intelligence of the general US populace.
Newton Fedorko: You have the right to get medical care when needed. That is embodied in the terms of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Because neither of these principles are possible if you can't have your Health Issues attended to, I think this is a basic right.
Comment identifier une araignée Web de pépinière
Prenez note de la coloration. Bien quâil existe plusieurs variantes de coloration, les araignées de la pépinière ont généralement une couleur de base qui est fauve, grise, beige ou chamois, avec des bandes brunes plus foncées ou dâautres marques.
Cherchez les grosses araignées. La toile dâaraignée de la pépinière est lâune des plus grandes araignées véritables. Ils sont si gros quâon les prend parfois à tort pour des proches parents de la tarentule.
Découvrez la gamme des araignées de la pépinière. Les araignées de la pépinière sont très répandues dans la majeure partie de lâAmérique du Nord. On les trouve le plus souvent dans lâest des Ãtats-Unis et le sud-est du Canada.
Attention au sac dâoeufs. La façon la plus simple dâidentifier une araignée femelle en pépinière est peut-être de surveiller les ara! ignées qui portent un sac dâoeufs. Une araignée de pépinière portera ses oeufs dans ses crocs jusquâà ce quâils soient presque prêts à éclore.
Observez la posture. Au repos, une araignée en toile de pépinière adopte souvent une posture en forme de « X », en maintenant ses paires de pattes avant et arrière ensemble.
Regardez la forme du corps de lâaraignée. La toile dâaraignée de pépinière a un corps mince. Son abdomen est le plus large au milieu et se rétrécit vers lâarrière.
Observez le comportement de chasse. Contrairement à de nombreuses autres espèces, les araignées à toiles de pépinière ne tissent pas de toiles à des fins de chasse. Au lieu de cela, ces araignées se cachent à lâaffût de leurs proies (généralement des insectes) et sortent rapidement pour les attraper.
Examinez les yeux de lâaraignée. Les araignées de la pépinière ont huit yeux. Ils apparaissent sur deux lignes horizontales. L! a rangée du bas est presque droite, tandis que la rangée du ! haut sâincurve vers le haut en formant un « u ».
Surveillez-les à la bonne saison. Les araignées des toiles des pépinières arrivent à maturité à la fin du printemps et se reproduisent en été. Ils sont le plus souvent observés entre début mai et fin juillet.
Cherchez une toile de pépinière. Quand il est presque lâheure de lâéclosion des Å"ufs, lâaraignée femelle va tisser une toile de protection de la nurserie. Cette toile enchevêtrée est généralement filée dans les mauvaises herbes hautes ou les arbustes bas, avec le sac dâoeuf lui-même suspendu à lâintérieur dâune feuille.
Cherchez-les dans leur habitat habituel. Vous pouvez rechercher des araignées de pépinière dans une variété de différents types dâhabitats. On les trouve souvent près de lâeau. On sait quâils habitent les régions suivantes :
Friday, August 7, 2020
Classical conditioning psychology question?
Rosalia Hibler: That sounds like it would be along the same principle. Classical conditioning is more of an idea that over time the repeated trigger causes you to feel a certain way, then you become scared of the dark as a learned result. For example, Pavlov's dog experiment. It took time for them to be conditioned into knowing the bell meant food. However, you're thinking along the right track. :)
Frank Crummell: what's the unconditioned stimulus (US?) warm water what's the unconditioned reaction (UCR?) jumping back what's the conditioned stimulus (CS?) sound of flushing bathroom what's the conditioned reaction (CR?) jumping back --- US is a few thing which will reason the UR evidently. of route warm water will evidently make you leap back. once you pair the sound of flushing the bathroom with the nice and cozy water, then you definitely anticipate that the sound will be observed by potential of the nice and cozy water. therefore, the sound of the flushing bathro! om turns into an illustration of the nice and cozy Water= CS. And the reaction will be an similar (leap back), inspite of the undeniable fact that it really is denoted CR because it really is a results of the CS....Show more
Cómo responder a un punto de información en un debate
DirÃjase a la audiencia y a los jueces. Cuando se le pregunte un PDI, recuerde que todavÃa está hablando con la audiencia. No dirija su atención al oponente que le pregunta al PDI. No estás teniendo una conversación privada con el oponente. Mantenga la postura de su cuerpo y el nivel de voz consistentes con la entrega del cuerpo principal de su argumento.
No camines hacia tu oponente mientras éste entrega su PDI. Acercarse a su oponente mientras habla puede ser percibido como un acto agresivo, y la audiencia puede creer que usted está tratando de intimidar a su oponente. En su lugar, mantenga su posición y concéntrese en el contenido del PDI.
Termine su frase o pensamiento antes de dirigirse al PDI del oponente. Incluso cuando se detecta un PDI, recuerde que usted sigue siendo el que tiene el control. No permita que el oponente desbarate su ! argumento planteando un PDI. DirÃjase al PDI una vez que haya completado su frase o idea.
Anote dónde se encuentra en su discurso cuando acepte un PDI. Si tiene un bolÃgrafo en la mano, marque el punto de su discurso en el que se detuvo para dirigirse al PDI. Si no tiene un bolÃgrafo a mano, coloque el dedo en el lugar apropiado de sus notas o tome nota mentalmente del lugar donde lo dejó. Esto le ayudará a reanudar rápidamente su argumento, y no tendrá que apañárselas con sus notas tratando de encontrar dónde las dejó.
Acepte el PDI diciendo «Aceptado», «SÃ, por favor» o «Adelante». Después de aceptar el PDI, su oponente normalmente no tiene más de 15 segundos para plantear su objeción o pregunta. Si su oponente habla durante más tiempo que el tiempo asignado, pÃdale que se siente. Los PDI pueden plantearse como una pregunta directa, una pregunta retórica o una declaración concisa. Los PDI suelen cuestionar un argumento de una de estas! tres maneras:
Manténgase seguro incluso si no sabe có! mo responder a un PDI. Es probable que se enfrente a un momento en el que no pueda responder a un PDI porque no conoce la respuesta a la pregunta o no puede pensar en una refutación adecuada. Cuando sea posible, reitere los aspectos positivos de su argumento. Alternativamente, señale las deficiencias de la pregunta.
Rechazar el PDI si cree que una interrupción socavará la eficacia de su argumento. Si está en medio de una sección fuerte y apasionada de su argumento, no deje que un PDI arruine su impulso. Además, no acepte un PDI durante una sección particularmente débil de su argumento, que podrÃa ser fácilmente atacada por sus oponentes.
Responder al PDI de forma concisa. Tienes un tiempo fijo para argumentar durante un debate. No permita que el oponente le quite el ritmo dando una respuesta larga a un PDI. Aborde el punto con claridad, pero brevemente para que pueda volver a su argumento preparado.
Transición desde el PDI a su argumento sin pr! oblemas. Recuerde a la audiencia y a los jueces cómo se conecta el PDI con el argumento que tiene a mano. Use frases de transición como: «Esto se conecta con lo que estaba diciendo antes» o «Voy a volver a esta idea en un momento». La transición hacia sus ideas pone el énfasis en su propio argumento a medida que avanza en sus ideas.
Anticipe el contraargumento de su oponente. Cuando responda a contradicciones potencialmente cebadas, mantenga su respuesta dentro de los parámetros de su argumento y espere que el contraargumento de su oponente aborde este asunto. PodrÃas decir algo como esto: «SÃ, el embargo contra Cuba debe ser levantado, pero sólo cuando el régimen cubano acepte nuestras condiciones.»
Cuestionar la credibilidad de los hechos del PDI. Si el PDI cuestiona la credibilidad de sus hechos, puede optar por responder cuestionando las propias fuentes del oponente. Una respuesta a este tipo de PDI podrÃa ser: «El estudio de Smith sobre los! ingresos fiscales fue descontado por muchos economistas importantes, i! ncluyendo a Wilson, Lee y Jones».
Reconozca a su oponente cuando levante un PDI. La forma en que su oponente planteará un PDI dependerá del estilo de debate que esté utilizando. Hay muchos estilos diferentes de debate; sin embargo, tienen muchos puntos en común. La mayorÃa de las veces, el oponente levantará un PDI levantándose, levantando la mano y/o diciendo «Punto de información», «PDI», «Sobre ese punto» u otra frase aceptada.
Mantenga su respuesta dentro del alcance de su argumento original. Si el PDI empuja la premisa de su argumento a su extensión lógica, recuerde a su audiencia que el escenario propuesto está más allá del alcance de su argumento. Usted podrÃa responder: «No estamos hablando de formas extremas de tortura. Las horas de interrogatorio prolongadas son aceptables dentro de las normas de los interrogatorios humanos».
Planee cuándo aceptar los PDI durante su argumento. Antes de dar su argumento, determine en qué m! omento de su discurso será el mejor momento para dirigirse a los PDI y sólo aceptarlos durante esos momentos. El mejor momento para aceptar PDI es durante las partes de su discurso en las que tiene más confianza y conocimientos. La mayorÃa de los formatos de debate requerirán que usted tome al menos dos PDIs durante su argumento. Hay ventajas y desventajas en tomar ambos PDI al principio, al final, o en repartirlos.
Responde al PDI. Una vez que haya decidido aceptar un PDI, debe responder a él, incluso si su discurso abordará el tema más adelante en su tiempo. No descarte el punto de interés diciendo: «Ya hablaremos de eso más tarde». Es posible que el argumento que ha planeado no responda directamente al PDI, o que lo olvide por completo. En su lugar, dirÃjase al PDI de manera sucinta y diga que ampliará esas ideas más adelante en su charla. La forma en que responda al PDI debe depender de la estrategia que su oponente utilizó al plantearlo.